Storage Hunter

Storage Hunter

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Help me!!!How do I do this, masters!!!大神们这个怎么弄啊!!
Why is my picture red, is it because there is a lack of driver?
Originally posted by AlexBBG:
Use "Play Direct X11" when you launch the game.

If you don't see it:
1. Right click on the game in Steam library
2. Select last option "Properties"
3. Change launch option to "Play Direct X11"

启动游戏时使用 “Play Direct X11”。

1. 右键点击 Steam 库中的游戏
2. 选择最后一个选项 "属性
3. 将启动选项更改为 "播放 Direct X11
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Need way more info to help you...what picture...what are your specs....
A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
AlexBBG  [developer] 31 Jan @ 1:20am 
Use "Play Direct X11" when you launch the game.

If you don't see it:
1. Right click on the game in Steam library
2. Select last option "Properties"
3. Change launch option to "Play Direct X11"

启动游戏时使用 “Play Direct X11”。

1. 右键点击 Steam 库中的游戏
2. 选择最后一个选项 "属性
3. 将启动选项更改为 "播放 Direct X11
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