Storage Hunter

Storage Hunter

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Couple of Questions
I just picked the game up this afternoon. My first question is this: What do you do with items at the beginning that you can’t verify due to it being to low? I don’t have 2k for the upgrades yet. Do you just put the items in your starting house for the meantime until you can upgrade? I’m on the mission where I have to hit reputation level 10 so I can buy the first Pawn Shop. Second question is this: in your guys opinion do you think it’s worth going past the 2 hour’s playtime? Thanks.
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
JU1173 30 Jan @ 4:55pm 
Items you can not verify yet can be brought to specialists to verify them for you. It does cost money though, price depending on the rarity. Take a look at the map, they are all marked. You can store them away if you wanted to, it would just take longer to make money off them.

IMO yes it is worth going past 2 hours play time. You can't finish everything in that amount of time. I would suppose it would be up to each individual though.
Boshedo 30 Jan @ 6:20pm 
Originally posted by JU1173:
Items you can not verify yet can be brought to specialists to verify them for you. It does cost money though, price depending on the rarity. Take a look at the map, they are all marked. You can store them away if you wanted to, it would just take longer to make money off them.

IMO yes it is worth going past 2 hours play time. You can't finish everything in that amount of time. I would suppose it would be up to each individual though.

Cool. Thanks for that. I did bring my chest to get them unlocked but then I can't find them after he unlocked them. Do you know where they are after the merchant unlocks them?
In front of every specialist and locksmith is a marked area on the ground. When the Locksmith has finished his job - go to him and talk to him again - on the left side you see the finished crate. just click on it - then go outside and the crate will spawn in the marked area.

And for your second question in the first post: Depens if you like it - I already got over 40 hours so for me it was worth it.
Boshedo 30 Jan @ 7:48pm 
Originally posted by RealLocutus:
In front of every specialist and locksmith is a marked area on the ground. When the Locksmith has finished his job - go to him and talk to him again - on the left side you see the finished crate. just click on it - then go outside and the crate will spawn in the marked area.

And for your second question in the first post: Depens if you like it - I already got over 40 hours so for me it was worth it.

Cool. Thanks for that man.
You have quite a few ways you can go about it. You're not really locked to a path and you're not required as such to follow the questline. The basic purpose of the questline is just to set you up to play, teach you the basics.

You have an option to take out a loan after you make your first thousand dollars, that's also when the tools tab opens up. So if you want, you can take out a loan at maximum repayments and upgrade your fixing tool, or just play an extra few in game days and then upgrade it. However much money you get though, those fixing tool upgrades are your priority!

You have 10 slots of storage at your house, plus the pawn shop storage. Unidentified items will not be sold by your employee so they can safely stay there until you get them verified.

Gas is cheap though so get around town and explore and drop off those items at experts at the same time.

At 130 hours played now I'd say it's definitely been worth it for me. It's a chill farming/job game that some may be bored with after a short a time but I like to collect things and even now at 130 hours I still find items daily that I havent seen yet and my house is constantly evolving as I collect new items and think of new ideas.

Plus with the mount of effort the devs and community people put in the game will only get better. Join the discord, it's fairly active!
Boshedo 31 Jan @ 7:18am 
Originally posted by NomadUniverse:
You have quite a few ways you can go about it. You're not really locked to a path and you're not required as such to follow the questline. The basic purpose of the questline is just to set you up to play, teach you the basics.

You have an option to take out a loan after you make your first thousand dollars, that's also when the tools tab opens up. So if you want, you can take out a loan at maximum repayments and upgrade your fixing tool, or just play an extra few in game days and then upgrade it. However much money you get though, those fixing tool upgrades are your priority!

You have 10 slots of storage at your house, plus the pawn shop storage. Unidentified items will not be sold by your employee so they can safely stay there until you get them verified.

Gas is cheap though so get around town and explore and drop off those items at experts at the same time.

At 130 hours played now I'd say it's definitely been worth it for me. It's a chill farming/job game that some may be bored with after a short a time but I like to collect things and even now at 130 hours I still find items daily that I havent seen yet and my house is constantly evolving as I collect new items and think of new ideas.

Plus with the mount of effort the devs and community people put in the game will only get better. Join the discord, it's fairly active!

Sounds good. Thanks for all the information man. I'll stick it out. The max loan that I can take out is like $500. Right now I'm like under $1000. I feel like I'm having to scramble around trying to get to the different shops so I can unlock things before they close lol. After I hit prestige 10, does it give me the option to buy my first Pawn Shop? Does it cost any money to buy it? I'm not making much on the auctions that I win.
Pentagramm 31 Jan @ 10:56am 
Yes, you can buy the first pawnshop at lvl10. In the upper right corner of the map you can see, what will be unlocked at which lvl (shop, auctiontier, car etc.)
It costs 2000$.
At the start you won't make much money, it will take some time. But it's somewhat okay, the game is easy enough and I don't think you can really fail, outside of using all your money on the first auction in one bid.
Boshedo 2 Feb @ 11:47am 
Originally posted by JU1173:
Items you can not verify yet can be brought to specialists to verify them for you. It does cost money though, price depending on the rarity. Take a look at the map, they are all marked. You can store them away if you wanted to, it would just take longer to make money off them.

IMO yes it is worth going past 2 hours play time. You can't finish everything in that amount of time. I would suppose it would be up to each individual though.

I'm still not sure where the unlock NPC is verifying items that are higher. I take my chests to the unlock guy but not sure what the NPC is for verifying higher stuff. I have several items stored in my truck that need to be verified. Items that are like Blue and what not.
Last edited by Boshedo; 2 Feb @ 11:48am
If you have not upgraded your tool you need the specialists. They are all over the map. Every specialist is specialized on a specific kind of item. Just look on your map which symbol means what. Ever item has a category - according to this you have to choose the correct specialist for this item.

If you have enough money you can upgrade your tool - just open the tablet there you will see an option for your tool. Click on it you will be able to upgrade the level of items you can analyse or the ability to repair the items to a specific level.
Boshedo 2 Feb @ 11:55am 
Originally posted by RealLocutus:
If you have not upgraded your tool you need the specialists. They are all over the map. Every specialist is specialized on a specific kind of item. Just look on your map which symbol means what. Ever item has a category - according to this you have to choose the correct specialist for this item.

If you have enough money you can upgrade your tool - just open the tablet there you will see an option for your tool. Click on it you will be able to upgrade the level of items you can analyse or the ability to repair the items to a specific level.

I don't have enough right now. I just launched the game a little bit ago. I have $1400 and trying to save for my first Pawn Shop. These are the items that have "Question Marks" over them when I try to sell to the Pawn Shop guy.
Just point at the unknown item - you will see its category. Now choose the correct specialist for this category and drive with the item in your car to the specialist. Go in and talk to him - you will see your item on the right side. Click on the item and then on the left at the bottom you can start analyzing it. Depending on the item level it now takes some ingame hours until the specialist has completed the task. You will get a notification.

As soon as it is ready drive back to the specialist - talk to him again - now on the left side click on the item. It will disappear from the list and spawn in the marked area near the shop of the specialist.
Boshedo 2 Feb @ 12:00pm 
Originally posted by RealLocutus:
Just point at the unknown item - you will see its category. Now choose the correct specialist for this category and drive with the item in your car to the specialist. Go in and talk to him - you will see your item on the right side. Click on the item and then on the left at the bottom you can start analyzing it. Depending on the item level it now takes some ingame hours until the specialist has completed the task. You will get a notification.

As soon as it is ready drive back to the specialist - talk to him again - now on the left side click on the item. It will disappear from the list and spawn in the marked area near the shop of the specialist.

Alright cool thanks. I'll try that. Should I just save up 2k for the upgrade first or just go ahead and buy the pawn shop? I'm like prestige level 12 right now.
I bought the first pawn shop quite late. I first updated the repair tool - an item of better quality gives you more money.
Boshedo 2 Feb @ 12:03pm 
Originally posted by RealLocutus:
I bought the first pawn shop quite late. I first updated the repair tool - an item of better quality gives you more money.

Should I upgrade the repair tool to level 2 first or the verify one?
I would go for repair first.
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