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Is this still Relevant/recommened For "Endless Cycle"?
"Endless cycle, for ascending 1000 times, is ideal to do anywhere between millions of prestige levels and early trillions, where ascends can take around 20 seconds on average."

If possible can i get a Number i should hit B4 i start on this one(again) and upgrades i should look to have at that number?
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Little follow up i Ascended at 1.2 million and it took me 30-40 seconds to ascend with a auto clicker on and a macro click(to buy buildings and upgrade) likely similar at 100~mill, 1.2 bill as well. 120 bill felt longer then prior so i think doing it between 1 million and 10 billion prestige is ideal not sure if its best at 100 mill to 1 bill...
Not exactly sure what you are asking but for an ascension to count you have to have at least 1 point before resetting.
Originally posted by Razgar Voxel:
Not exactly sure what you are asking but for an ascension to count you have to have at least 1 point before resetting.
yeah it was taking 30-40 seconds to do a single ascent at 1.2mill
Originally posted by FangtheFluffy™:
Originally posted by Razgar Voxel:
Not exactly sure what you are asking but for an ascension to count you have to have at least 1 point before resetting.
yeah it was taking 30-40 seconds to do a single ascent at 1.2mill

Well if that achievement works like the other ascension ones at least having one prestige point should count. I am in the quadrillions at this point and recently got the 100 ascensions achievement. Each one I had a few thousand the the least each time, I was at like 15 or 20 before I went for the 100.
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