how do i unlock more land?
how do i progress in the game? i have pulled thieves from all hills in the area and done a few challenges. now idk what to do next.
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I'm not sure how far you are, but if you have unlocked land twice and have around 12 landmarks (on the map), then you need to catch the crystal sprugs. .

Unfortunately, there is no quest listing for this and I got stuck not knowing what to do next for a while.
I'm having the same problem. I've unlocked eight landmarks, have no open quests, and have been flying around aimlessly for a long while wondering how to progress things. Jane isn't saying anything when I visit her, except to honk on about me looking for more creatures, which I have been doing.

What next? I don't recall any mention of a crystal sprug, so I don't think it's that?
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Onion Budgie; júl. 20., 3:24
In general, to trigger cloudfall (aka reveal the next area), you need to find and bring a mystical creature to Jane.

To avoid spoilers, perhaps tell us which areas you have unlocked then I can give you more hints?

@Onion, around the last landmark you have discovered (#8), try to listen for and look for some sparkles.
Lx Studio eredeti hozzászólása:
In general, to trigger cloudfall (aka reveal the next area), you need to find and bring a mystical creature to Jane.

To avoid spoilers, perhaps tell us which areas you have unlocked then I can give you more hints?

@Onion, around the last landmark you have discovered (#8), try to listen for and look for some sparkles.

Oh thank you, that's helpful. :birbSmile:

I have noticed the sparkles but have been unable to interact with them, but I'll have another try.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Onion Budgie; júl. 20., 4:09
If you can't interact normally, use Focus.
Lx Studio eredeti hozzászólása:
If you can't interact normally, use Focus.

Aha! I forgot about Focus. Thanks.
i triggered cloudfall twice. i think that is 8 landmarks. i feel ive done everything there is to do here.
If you had cloudfall twice, then the last landmark should be around #12 where, as Strawberry said, you need to charm a Crystal Sprug and bring it to the sleepyhead in the cave.
what is the Grasslands?
oki im just missing three animals now and i think they just dont exist and dont spawn at all. one looks like a rock, one hides in graffity and one supposedely just flies around in the open. youd think i could find something that just Flies around in some area. i also checked every stone and graffity and those just dont exist.
It sounds like you are missing the Baritone Burbot and Pied Sprug. Thankfully the one that hides in graffiti, I've noticed tends to spawn at night and makes a loud noise. Check out graffiti that makes a loud sound and use your focus to find it. The Baritone Burbot is the one that looks like a rock and took me FOREVER to find. I spent time on discussion boards getting advice until I finally found it.

Here's the discussion board that might help you out.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Doodlemuffins; júl. 21., 9:14
Another thing, after you finish the main game you get a feed bag you can use to fill up feeders all over the map. From testing this won't help you with the Baritone Burbot, but using it near the graffiti poles does sometimes lure a Pied Sprug. It's also useful for luring a particularly tricky gleeb that lives in the mushroom forest. I'm still determined to find that one the traditional way.
Lx Studio eredeti hozzászólása:
If you had cloudfall twice, then the last landmark should be around #12 where, as Strawberry said, you need to charm a Crystal Sprug and bring it to the sleepyhead in the cave.

Also for this, you need to bring 5 different Crystal Sprugs, 3 are in the wetlands and 2 in the mushroom forest .
Doodlemuffins eredeti hozzászólása:
It sounds like you are missing the Baritone Burbot and Pied Sprug. Thankfully the one that hides in graffiti, I've noticed tends to spawn at night and makes a loud noise. Check out graffiti that makes a loud sound and use your focus to find it. The Baritone Burbot is the one that looks like a rock and took me FOREVER to find. I spent time on discussion boards getting advice until I finally found it.

Here's the discussion board that might help you out.
ive found the graffitty one now, since i learned that they can only be found at night.
the stone one however remains bugged and does not spawn.
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