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Dumb Issue (FIXED)
Hello, have been playing this game on Xbox Game Pass with a friend (I figured this would be the best place to post.)
We were having a great time until the "Mystery Rustic". We both unlocked it and charmed it, my friend had all but one of his Flock "favorited" already except the mystery rustic, he didn't realize then and then charmed another creature, losing the mystery rustic before he could turn it in for the quest. We're completely unable to get another one (Unless there's a way we don't know) which means he's locked behind that quest and literally cannot progress with me or unlock the next area. Has anyone experienced this or know how to fix it without restarting the entire game? Thank you in advance!

TLDR: Friend lost Mystery Rustic before turning in quest, can't get another, can't complete quest/progress.
Senast ändrad av Theta; 22 jul @ 6:22
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does it not spawn again where you found it initially?
Ursprungligen skrivet av Anna Curser:
does it not spawn again where you found it initially?
Not that we've found. We've both restarted the game and checked the place the quest initially begins and the place where you actually find it the first time on the map.
Have you tried going to "My Flock", selecting one of the slots, going to Rustic, and choosing the rustic there? You should be able to bring anything that's been in your flock before back.
ofmana  [utvecklare] 22 jul @ 2:36 
Hi there,

Sorry to hear you've got a bit stuck, as far as we are aware the Rustic should be retrievable via the method that Doodlemuffins outlined in their post if you had it in your Flock for any period of time:

Ursprungligen skrivet av Doodlemuffins:
Have you tried going to "My Flock", selecting one of the slots, going to Rustic, and choosing the rustic there? You should be able to bring anything that's been in your flock before back.

If that's not working it'd be great if you could send us your save file to support@hllwpnds.com so we can debug any issues with progression that you are experiencing.
Ursprungligen skrivet av Doodlemuffins:
Have you tried going to "My Flock", selecting one of the slots, going to Rustic, and choosing the rustic there? You should be able to bring anything that's been in your flock before back.

Ursprungligen skrivet av ofmana:
Hi there,

Sorry to hear you've got a bit stuck, as far as we are aware the Rustic should be retrievable via the method that Doodlemuffins outlined in their post if you had it in your Flock for any period of time:

Ursprungligen skrivet av Doodlemuffins:
Have you tried going to "My Flock", selecting one of the slots, going to Rustic, and choosing the rustic there? You should be able to bring anything that's been in your flock before back.

If that's not working it'd be great if you could send us your save file to support@hllwpnds.com so we can debug any issues with progression that you are experiencing.

Actually this seems to have worked, I was not aware that this was even an option in the game, and is likely something I missed reading. Completely my fault. Thanks so much for the help/response and I'm very excited to get back to this game.
Ursprungligen skrivet av ofmana:
Hi there,

Sorry to hear you've got a bit stuck, as far as we are aware the Rustic should be retrievable via the method that Doodlemuffins outlined in their post if you had it in your Flock for any period of time:

Ursprungligen skrivet av Doodlemuffins:
Have you tried going to "My Flock", selecting one of the slots, going to Rustic, and choosing the rustic there? You should be able to bring anything that's been in your flock before back.

If that's not working it'd be great if you could send us your save file to support@hllwpnds.com so we can debug any issues with progression that you are experiencing.
Have you guys heard anything about saves getting wiped on Game Pass? I have tried to play Flock 3 times and each time the game wiped my save file and I had to restart from scratch. I have seen one other guy having this problem too, so it's not just me.

I have tried reinstalling the game and it still wiped my save.

This might have something to do with the Xbox Live issues perhaps?
ofmana  [utvecklare] 31 jul @ 2:05 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Harfagri:
Have you guys heard anything about saves getting wiped on Game Pass? I have tried to play Flock 3 times and each time the game wiped my save file and I had to restart from scratch. I have seen one other guy having this problem too, so it's not just me.

I have tried reinstalling the game and it still wiped my save.

This might have something to do with the Xbox Live issues perhaps?

Hi there,

We've not heard any reports of players losing save game files so far, we will investigate this.

At what point are you losing your save file? Have you started the game and saved and quit as normal from the game or are you losing the save file before playing the game at all?

Are you experiencing any other issues at all whilst playing?

Senast ändrad av ofmana; 31 jul @ 2:08
Ursprungligen skrivet av ofmana:
Ursprungligen skrivet av Harfagri:
Have you guys heard anything about saves getting wiped on Game Pass? I have tried to play Flock 3 times and each time the game wiped my save file and I had to restart from scratch. I have seen one other guy having this problem too, so it's not just me.

I have tried reinstalling the game and it still wiped my save.

This might have something to do with the Xbox Live issues perhaps?

Hi there,

We've not heard any reports of players losing save game files so far, we will investigate this.

At what point are you losing your save file? Have you started the game and saved and quit as normal from the game or are you losing the save file before playing the game at all?

Are you experiencing any other issues at all whilst playing?

I have not experienced any other issues.

And it's fine now. I suspected it was an issue from Xbox's side and I think I was correct. The Game Pass app has had issues for weeks in some parts of Europe and it seems they have finally fixed it today. I tried Flock again and suddenly it started to unlock achievements, something it didn't do yesterday. It is also keeping my save file.

Yesterday, when I pressed save & quit, it took like 20 seconds before it reacted and quit the game. So I assume that this is some Game Pass/Cloud/Xbox Live sort of mess that interfered with the save file and the achievements. I have no idea, but at least it works now and I can continue playing.
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