add spawn
add a console command or in game mechanic to force specific spawn. game is bugged and does not spawn some of creatures so i want a way to make spawn happen
Messaggio originale di ofmana:
The save file should be found in your AppData folder at \AppData\Local\HappyPlace\Saved\SaveGames.

If you open file explorer and type %AppData% that should take you to AppData folder and you'll be able to navigate the above folder from there.
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ofmana  [sviluppatore] 22 lug, ore 1:03 
Hi there,

Which creature are you struggling to find?

As far as we are aware no creature's spawn is bugged, some are very rare and only spawn once a day at most but they should spawn.
Messaggio originale di ofmana:
Hi there,

Which creature are you struggling to find?

As far as we are aware no creature's spawn is bugged, some are very rare and only spawn once a day at most but they should spawn.
the flat fish that camoflages as a stone. i spend 2 hours over the last 3 days flying over the wetlands looking for any stone out of shape but this creature simple does not exist in my game.
ofmana  [sviluppatore] 22 lug, ore 5:58 
The Concrete Burbot is a rare creature that generally only spawns once a day, it spawns from mid morning to mid afternoon and not in the evening, nighttime or early morning.

In terms of location it can be found be found slightly to the north of the Bewl Roost meadow and it must be scanned before you can charm it, similar to other creatures that are camouflaged.

I have checked on the live Steam version of the game this morning and it does spawn as expected.

Hopefully you are able to find it soon, if not please send through your save file to support@hllwpnds.com and I can take a look to see if it is spawning correctly on your save file or if there is indeed an issue.
Messaggio originale di ofmana:
The Concrete Burbot is a rare creature that generally only spawns once a day, it spawns from mid morning to mid afternoon and not in the evening, nighttime or early morning.

In terms of location it can be found be found slightly to the north of the Bewl Roost meadow and it must be scanned before you can charm it, similar to other creatures that are camouflaged.

I have checked on the live Steam version of the game this morning and it does spawn as expected.

Hopefully you are able to find it soon, if not please send through your save file to support@hllwpnds.com and I can take a look to see if it is spawning correctly on your save file or if there is indeed an issue.
where do i find the safe files?
L'autore della discussione ha indicato che questo messaggio risponde alla discussione originale.
ofmana  [sviluppatore] 22 lug, ore 7:51 
The save file should be found in your AppData folder at \AppData\Local\HappyPlace\Saved\SaveGames.

If you open file explorer and type %AppData% that should take you to AppData folder and you'll be able to navigate the above folder from there.
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