Factory Magnate

Factory Magnate

Mr. Goose 19 Mar, 2021 @ 6:36am
Game looks good, any chance of an alpha demo?
Hello, I like the minimalist look you are going for, simplicity is a good thing for me, I've been reading the info from the site and it seems like you're going for a Civilisation/4X style gameplay, with like 3 hour gameplay sessions until victory? Or will it be more open ended with a very long goal like Factorio? The latter seems preferable though, I love to spend forever optimising chains.

Will there be a level/skill system in place?

Looking forward to the game though, can't wait to hear more
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feydk  [developer] 11 Jun, 2021 @ 1:38am 
Hi, sorry for not replying sooner. I've only just seen your post now.

I haven't settled on game modes yet, but at the time of writing this I am leaning towards shorter games that don't drag on and on. I hope to implement some way of letting the player customize the game (when starting a new game) so they have a direct influence on game length and difficulty, starting conditions - things like that. In addition to that it would probably make sense to have an "endless" mode as well.

There will be a tech tree of sorts, allowing you to unlock certain things. I'm being vague here because I'm yet to begin working on it. But it's coming.

And also, alpha/demo - yes, I am working towards that. Actually that is my primary goal right now. Keep reading the devlog posts to stay informed (or follow me on twitter).
Mr. Goose 11 Jun, 2021 @ 9:55am 
Hello, thanks for the reply, that all sounds good.
I'm still following you on twitter, and still looking forward to the game :)
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