The Doors of Trithius

The Doors of Trithius

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Sineso  [developer] 31 Oct, 2021 @ 12:29pm
Last edited by Sineso; 9 Feb, 2022 @ 11:37pm
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Showing 1-15 of 44 comments
Sineso  [developer] 28 Nov, 2022 @ 2:16pm 
Roadmap Updated - many changes, nearly double in length
NightBane 28 Nov, 2022 @ 9:48pm 
Looks great. I'm really pumped for the expanded skills/magic and the player housing, Thanks for the work so far. The only real question I have is whether there is a planned way to respec skill points? As it stands, theres been a few skill choices I've made on characters that I'd love to be able to change.
Last edited by NightBane; 28 Nov, 2022 @ 9:50pm
GnomeSlayer 3 Dec, 2022 @ 2:49am 
Keep up the great work please
Swift-Li 14 Dec, 2022 @ 12:58pm 
Thank you for your hard works!
eldercom 16 Dec, 2022 @ 8:45am 
By the way, is there any update on the roadmap?
Sineso  [developer] 16 Dec, 2022 @ 5:00pm 
I will post here whenever it is updated. Typically after every update.
Noclear 27 Dec, 2022 @ 4:05am 
looking forward for this gem. looks like you take stoneshard idea and make it right, because game already more enterteiment, than fist one. keep work, thank you, wish you can finish this game:zagwow:
Cloud 9 Jan, 2023 @ 1:05pm 
I love you guys. This one, with the roadmap, is more or less THE game I searched for my whole gamer life. A moderately hard, survival rpg, in an enormous random generated world, with almost infinite potential to get stronger by leveling, making it a long time playground. My brawler/rogue is already on Wisdom level 102 and I still want to go further. Probably exploring every single tile.

I have a few ideas, if they can work in this engine:

- you mentioned in your road map caves and stuff randomly appearing on exploration maps. How about introducing random events (can take place an infinite amount of times), where a relatively strong earthquake in the region the player is active (maybe like up to 25 tiles around the player's area), unearths on exploration maps, randomized dungeons - Meaning random faction (or an extra faction...maybe "deep dwellers" or something) - with different level, or maybe scaling to player level, for those whom are ready to actually invest quality time in a single char. Dungeons should have different amount of floors, from 3 to maybe up to 15, if tha's not too crazy. Maybe also introducing a few extra, really hard, unique dungeons, where one can get exclusive, very powerful gear, but also having to deal very powerful entities, special traps, skillfull masters of one "school", and a special, adaptive AI. To avoid dungeon-littering, cleared dungeons could disappear on the next earthquake, making the tile, or place on the exploration map available again for another random dungeon.

- I don't know if this is technically possible with the engine: several more, new islands, larger and smaller ones as the one we start on, also randomly generated.

- Cloud saves, if possible.

- synergy skills between different classes, and corresponding skill trees they start with and masteries that make sense? Example: Hunter + Ranged (Archery) and myabe even over skills that make sense, like survival and travel.

- Concerning the magic school Oosh: would it not make sense to put this to the combat classes, naming it monk/battlemonk, making it a no-brainer first pick for brawlers?

- Maybe there should be even more factions, each with their own "school", be it magic or physical combat, and traders specialized into selling gear for that specific school?

- Why are there question marks behind fishing and mining? They make sense. One to get food, while semi-idling, and the other one a a steady source of income. Both good enough to wind up, after some hard fights.

- Necromancy as magic school possible?

- Maybe the Wisdom level, mastery level or a special skill level per "school", should allow indefinite upgrading of certain thinks, like the damage of weapons, or the defense of armors - or even other parameters, like enchantments that scale up - so that, with enemies getting more powerful on mentioned randomly generated dungeons - the char has a way to counteract that, without the need of introducing more gear and weapon tiers than the planned total of 5-6.

- Please never limit the amount of stuff one can stash away. As a collection fanatic, my lvl 103 (or so) char has around 4k weight units of loot stashed away. Mostly food though. ;P
Last edited by Cloud; 9 Jan, 2023 @ 2:01pm
Sineso  [developer] 10 Jan, 2023 @ 1:05am 
@Cloud Thank you for your post. It's always great to hear when players are happy with the game.

To answer some of your points:
- Changes the world map is something on the way. It would be awesome to make the world feel more alive with entities and events spawning, affecting nearby areas, and interacting with each other. I'll also add your suggestion of adding an map-altering earthquake approaches something close to what is planned for the main story.
- RE islands - first the main island must be completed. It will feel a lot different once the new biomes are added: Swamp, Jungle, Dark Forest, etc.
- RE fishing and mining - The concern I have is it makes the game feel grindy, like a single player MMORPG. I want players incentivized to do combat and dungeon exploring and interact with other skills along the way. Clicking a fishing spot is something you can get in a lot of games... it has to be done right. Don't consider this a hard no however. I understand playing games casually can be fun too, where you are watching a movie in your other monitor and have an RPG to chill in and do something low stakes. There is definitely an argument to be made.
- RE necromancy - Yes. Pertorium Magic and some other schools will have elements of necromancy. It's one of reasons bones are dropped so that future magic can interact with bones. Note also that the skills list on the roadmap is a shorter version of a much larger list of skills I'd love to add. On the other hand, I understand it's better to have a few high quality magic skills than many rushed versions, or to be stuck in early access for too long due to feature creep.
- RE armor - fair point. It would be too long of a post to go into details on this but I see what you mean. Agree that armor skills could have a place and help with balance.
Sineso  [developer] 13 Jan, 2023 @ 8:35am 
Roadmap updated.
- Added skills "Warrapt", "Brawling", and "Unarmed" along with a new section "Special Skills"
Sineso  [developer] 16 Jan, 2023 @ 10:11am 
Roadmap updated.
- Marked Unarmed complete, updated focus items.
jospehjack 16 Jan, 2023 @ 6:12pm 
If you put mining just add nodes to caves where you already are going to go. Fishing would only be something worthwhile if you added more cooking recipes which is ALOT of work.
Via 16 Jan, 2023 @ 8:06pm 
If you will add "civil lives" like fishing to the game I'm never against but I love where the game seems to be currently going, deep and hostile openworld dungeoncrawler.
Though almost everyone would think of fishing when seeing rivers in the game :D Maybe lootable fish fits the game, like botany the game already has?
jospehjack 17 Jan, 2023 @ 2:04am 
Giving 1 health every level would be cool as a lvl 20 should be a lot stronger than a lvl 1. A 1 health per level gain would not unbalance the game it would just show progression.
Via 21 Jan, 2023 @ 1:43am 
Having played the game for around 65 hrs, I love the current game and where the roadmap points to, and am really impressed with how much you take notice of UI details like inventory sorting. So the following is minor stuff but let me put some feedback.

1) Light sources: I feel it's a little difficult to justify using light sources as caves and other areas are bright enough. Additionally, the build that needs a wider sight is Ranged, which doesn't allow you to hold a light source. I wish some good mechanics of holding a light source here.

Maybe, make them great off-hand accessories so that they match shields and off-hand daggers? There are already some bonuses on them, but higher-tiers like magic lanterns might be exciting.

Or maybe, make some caves and wilderness areas really dark and encourage to use light sources? Thankfully, the game system allows us to easy-switch between 1H and 2H weapons. Travelers would have to prepare a special gear set for exploring dark places.
Ranged builds have a trouble in this case. I guess a ranged passive skill that leaves position markers at the places unseen enemies are for a while once you see them might solve the issue.

2) Cauterize Wound: Almost every skill is fun to use and well-balanced from what I've seen. I love the concept itself and understand that 2 bleeds -> 1 burn is a fair trade since burn wounds are not in emergency, but the current effect feels a little too niche. We can make bandages easily and inexpensively than Soothing Balm. In addition, there are skills that make applying medicine faster and greater!
I was wrong. The skill removes all bleeds, not two. It's a different story!
Last edited by Via; 2 Feb, 2023 @ 10:16pm
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