Hyper Light Breaker

Hyper Light Breaker

LOL 8 Jul @ 6:17am
Don't wishlist or buy.
This game is scripted by sweet baby inc. Stop supporting censorship, make sure this game received $0. It's sad because the first hyper lift drifter was great, but what can you do when Devs sell out and don't care about their product or customers. Vote with your wallet.
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Showing 1-15 of 69 comments
I mean, it's not like they are working with SBI anymore, right? Shouldn't we give the game a shot, or at least watch some gameplay when the game comes out so we can make based-opinions?
LOL 8 Jul @ 8:52pm 
According to DEI detected they are. They do not deserve a chance because they are racist. It is sad because I loved the first hyper light drifter but only an evil person would support this kind of behavior. They deserve to get cancelled. I hope the devs end up having to work at mcdonalds after this game flops.
Originally posted by LOL:
According to DEI detected they are. They do not deserve a chance because they are racist. It is sad because I loved the first hyper light drifter but only an evil person would support this kind of behavior. They deserve to get cancelled. I hope the devs end up having to work at mcdonalds after this game flops.

In another Steam Discussion thread, one of the devs said that they aren't working with SBI anymore (albiet, that doesn't mean they are tossing all the SBI input), but that's still probably not satisfactory.

In Heart Machine's defense, they've been going through a lot lately. Constant setbacks, juggling two games at once, being tossed from Gearbox to Arc Games, I think it's pretty safe to say that things haven't been going well with them. I also think that, at the end of the day, the HLB Dev's can 100% shutdown anything that SBI proposes to them.

I don't know why Heart Machine decided to join hands with SBI, but I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, you know? I'm going to get the game, 100% it, and after all that, if they are forcing their values on us, I think that we are justified to go all sicko-mode and turn our backs on them. But, until then, until we have concrete proof that this is what they want and this is who they are, I wanna give them the benefit of the doubt.
Last edited by Cherabyss TTV; 9 Jul @ 8:46am
Originally posted by Cherabyss:
Originally posted by LOL:
According to DEI detected they are. They do not deserve a chance because they are racist. It is sad because I loved the first hyper light drifter but only an evil person would support this kind of behavior. They deserve to get cancelled. I hope the devs end up having to work at mcdonalds after this game flops.

In another Steam Discussion thread, one of the devs said that they aren't working with SBI anymore (albiet, that doesn't mean they are tossing all the SBI input), but that's still probably not satisfactory.

In Heart Machine's defense, they've been going through a lot lately. Constant setbacks, juggling two games at once, being tossed from Gearbox to Arc Games, I think it's pretty safe to say that things haven't been going well with them. I also think that, at the end of the day, the HLB Dev's can 100% shutdown anything that SBI proposes to them.

I don't know why Heart Machine decided to join hands with SBI, but I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, you know? I'm going to get the game, 100% it, and after all that, if they are forcing their values on us, I think that we are justified to go all sicko-mode and turn our backs on them. But, until then, until we have concrete proof that this is what they want and this is who they are, I wanna give them the benefit of the doubt.
Don't care. If you lay down with dogs you get fleas. They deserve the massive hit in sales just for getting involved with those bullying racists.

I've already added this game to my ignore list and will actively recommend other do, if you're going to hire someone who basically craps all over the biggest market demographic in the west as their business strategy I'm going to make the assumption the people in charge don't actually care about putting out a good product.

Every studio that links itself to the DEI cancer deserves nothing but failure and humiliation.
Originally posted by WereChicken:
Originally posted by Cherabyss:

In another Steam Discussion thread, one of the devs said that they aren't working with SBI anymore (albiet, that doesn't mean they are tossing all the SBI input), but that's still probably not satisfactory.

In Heart Machine's defense, they've been going through a lot lately. Constant setbacks, juggling two games at once, being tossed from Gearbox to Arc Games, I think it's pretty safe to say that things haven't been going well with them. I also think that, at the end of the day, the HLB Dev's can 100% shutdown anything that SBI proposes to them.

I don't know why Heart Machine decided to join hands with SBI, but I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, you know? I'm going to get the game, 100% it, and after all that, if they are forcing their values on us, I think that we are justified to go all sicko-mode and turn our backs on them. But, until then, until we have concrete proof that this is what they want and this is who they are, I wanna give them the benefit of the doubt.
Don't care. If you lay down with dogs you get fleas. They deserve the massive hit in sales just for getting involved with those bullying racists.

I've already added this game to my ignore list and will actively recommend other do, if you're going to hire someone who basically craps all over the biggest market demographic in the west as their business strategy I'm going to make the assumption the people in charge don't actually care about putting out a good product.

Every studio that links itself to the DEI cancer deserves nothing but failure and humiliation.

But it's still an assumption, right? I mean, I'm willing to sit here, defend Breaker until release, and then take the hundred's of "I told you so"s; because I don't want to judge something when it hasn't even come out yet. We haven't received even a HINT of in-game dialogue or lore in any of the trailers (with the exception of a single Heart to Heart where they discuss the game plot), but I haven't seen anything incriminating. I don't even know how they would force DEI on to us in a game that has been confirmed to have no text. Heart Machine isn't SBI.

An educated guess is still educated though, so maybe there is truth in what you are saying, but I'm willing to stay stubborn, if it means giving Hyper Light Breaker, not SBI or even Heart Machine, a fair trial.
gecco 10 Jul @ 1:35pm 
okey someone please explain whos SBI and why are they bad?
Originally posted by gecco:
okey someone please explain whos SBI and why are they bad?

If I'm right, it's a game studio that is known for forcing "woke" content into games, so much so that it ruins the experience and makes the game no longer fun to play. I'm sure that there are people who can go more into depth, but that's the basic summary.
gecco 10 Jul @ 1:47pm 
Originally posted by Cherabyss:
Originally posted by gecco:
okey someone please explain whos SBI and why are they bad?

If I'm right, it's a game studio that is known for forcing "woke" content into games, so much so that it ruins the experience and makes the game no longer fun to play. I'm sure that there are people who can go more into depth, but that's the basic summary.
fair enough, i personally dont see as an issue but i also never played any of SBI games
Originally posted by gecco:
Originally posted by Cherabyss:

If I'm right, it's a game studio that is known for forcing "woke" content into games, so much so that it ruins the experience and makes the game no longer fun to play. I'm sure that there are people who can go more into depth, but that's the basic summary.
fair enough, i personally dont see as an issue but i also never played any of SBI games

Same here. The way I see it, it's the distasteful shoving-down-your-throat of content that people despise of SBI, but then again, I don't think I've played an SBI game.
Originally posted by Cherabyss:
Originally posted by gecco:
okey someone please explain whos SBI and why are they bad?

If I'm right, it's a game studio that is known for forcing "woke" content into games, so much so that it ruins the experience and makes the game no longer fun to play. I'm sure that there are people who can go more into depth, but that's the basic summary.
You're a bit off. I think the most obvious example is the god-awful suicide squad game where they gave batman a humiliating death and just generally wound everyone up. There's also the fact they operate as a protection racket (essentially saying to devs if you don't hire us we'll expose you as a racist, sexist homophobic yadda yadda yadda.)

Then there's the targeted harassment and online bullying they carry out against anyone speaking out against them, that and how hard the corrupt games "journalists" defend them it makes it ridiculously easy to despise them.

Originally posted by Cherabyss:
Originally posted by WereChicken:
Don't care. If you lay down with dogs you get fleas. They deserve the massive hit in sales just for getting involved with those bullying racists.

I've already added this game to my ignore list and will actively recommend other do, if you're going to hire someone who basically craps all over the biggest market demographic in the west as their business strategy I'm going to make the assumption the people in charge don't actually care about putting out a good product.

Every studio that links itself to the DEI cancer deserves nothing but failure and humiliation.

But it's still an assumption, right? I mean, I'm willing to sit here, defend Breaker until release, and then take the hundred's of "I told you so"s; because I don't want to judge something when it hasn't even come out yet. We haven't received even a HINT of in-game dialogue or lore in any of the trailers (with the exception of a single Heart to Heart where they discuss the game plot), but I haven't seen anything incriminating. I don't even know how they would force DEI on to us in a game that has been confirmed to have no text. Heart Machine isn't SBI.

An educated guess is still educated though, so maybe there is truth in what you are saying, but I'm willing to stay stubborn, if it means giving Hyper Light Breaker, not SBI or even Heart Machine, a fair trial.

Let me put it this way: Do you still hold out hope when EA announces a new game?

A scumbag will always be a scumbag until they get taught a lesson not to be a scumbag and harsh lessons are often the best teachers.
Last edited by WereChicken; 11 Jul @ 12:35am
Originally posted by WereChicken:
Originally posted by Cherabyss:

If I'm right, it's a game studio that is known for forcing "woke" content into games, so much so that it ruins the experience and makes the game no longer fun to play. I'm sure that there are people who can go more into depth, but that's the basic summary.
You're a bit off. I think the most obvious example is the god-awful suicide squad game where they gave batman a humiliating death and just generally wound everyone up. There's also the fact they operate as a protection racket (essentially saying to devs if you don't hire us we'll expose you as a racist, sexist homophobic yadda yadda yadda.)

Then there's the targeted harassment and online bullying they carry out against anyone speaking out against them, that and how hard the corrupt games "journalists" defend them it makes it ridiculously easy to despise them.

Originally posted by Cherabyss:

But it's still an assumption, right? I mean, I'm willing to sit here, defend Breaker until release, and then take the hundred's of "I told you so"s; because I don't want to judge something when it hasn't even come out yet. We haven't received even a HINT of in-game dialogue or lore in any of the trailers (with the exception of a single Heart to Heart where they discuss the game plot), but I haven't seen anything incriminating. I don't even know how they would force DEI on to us in a game that has been confirmed to have no text. Heart Machine isn't SBI.

An educated guess is still educated though, so maybe there is truth in what you are saying, but I'm willing to stay stubborn, if it means giving Hyper Light Breaker, not SBI or even Heart Machine, a fair trial.

Let me put it this way: Do you still hold out hope when EA announces a new game?

A scumbag will always be a scumbag until they get taught a lesson not to be a scumbag and harsh lessons are often the best teachers.
so why are you trying to boycott a company that wanted to get rid of scumbags from their game? they worked with sbi several years ago, back when they probably didn't know what they were like. if heart machine stopped working with sbi, then they did so because they didn't want to associate with them anymore and were prepared to scrap whatever bs that sbi added.
....got a link to any statement against sweat-stained pissbaby inc? because unless they've denounced them then all we know is they hired and they paid them and they've very probably injected their woke mind virus into the game, so I'll show them as much trust as I do EA.

Any game touched by SBI deserves to die in obscurity and the devs know nothing but failure as that's the only way publishers will learn not to force this crap on us ad ruin good games with it.

If heartmachine want to release a statement saying SBI was actually fired, they clawed their money back and SBI has had zero influence on the game and none of their suggestions were implemented then I may give it a shot, but that's my baseline for any company that willingly associates with SBI to actually give them a second chance.

Oh and since those people screech so much about having a PoC man character be black so black people play the game so they can play themselves, I'll do the same, so I ain't playing any games where the main character isn't white, because apparently that's okay now? (We both know it's only okay for one side and we know the real reason why, not the BS one)
Originally posted by ileftclick:
Originally posted by WereChicken:
You're a bit off. I think the most obvious example is the god-awful suicide squad game where they gave batman a humiliating death and just generally wound everyone up. There's also the fact they operate as a protection racket (essentially saying to devs if you don't hire us we'll expose you as a racist, sexist homophobic yadda yadda yadda.)

Then there's the targeted harassment and online bullying they carry out against anyone speaking out against them, that and how hard the corrupt games "journalists" defend them it makes it ridiculously easy to despise them.

Let me put it this way: Do you still hold out hope when EA announces a new game?

A scumbag will always be a scumbag until they get taught a lesson not to be a scumbag and harsh lessons are often the best teachers.
so why are you trying to boycott a company that wanted to get rid of scumbags from their game? they worked with sbi several years ago, back when they probably didn't know what they were like. if heart machine stopped working with sbi, then they did so because they didn't want to associate with them anymore and were prepared to scrap whatever bs that sbi added.

I think we are fighting a meaningless battle here bro... wanna join up once HLB drops?
Originally posted by Cherabyss:
Originally posted by ileftclick:
so why are you trying to boycott a company that wanted to get rid of scumbags from their game? they worked with sbi several years ago, back when they probably didn't know what they were like. if heart machine stopped working with sbi, then they did so because they didn't want to associate with them anymore and were prepared to scrap whatever bs that sbi added.

I think we are fighting a meaningless battle here bro... wanna join up once HLB drops?
Yes, don't question anything or have a moral stance, just consume more product, this product is diverse!
gecco 11 Jul @ 8:31am 
wait gamers, hol up steam page doesnt even say the SBI is in this project, so why is there discussion about them in the first place?
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