Want to play the Nathan 16K map, PNG to large?
I want to play for fun the 16K map and see how that looks, how BIG it looks :D
When I am in the main menu and choose 'play heightmap' and click on the Nathan map it says in red 'PNG to large'
That does that mean?
I assume I can still play that map, because it is in the download list of OpenTTD.
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The official version only supports maps up to 4096x4096.

If you want to try maps larger than that, you need to download and use a custom (user-made) version of the game.

JGR's Patch Pack is one of my favorites, it can support maps up to 1048576x1048576 if you wanted to but not recommended.
Thank you.
I installed the JGR's Patch Pack.
It doesn't work anymore.
When I choose the 1048576x1048576 it says 'to many tiles in the map'
I was thinking that patch was able to play on big maps.
Last edited by BMW-POWER; 5 Jan @ 10:56am
Originally posted by BMW-POWER:
Thank you.
I installed the JGR's Patch Pack.
It doesn't work anymore.
When I choose the 1048576x1048576 it says 'to many tiles in the map'
I was thinking that patch was able to play on big maps.

Probably never did as this seems to be an engine limitation.

The max tiles that can be generated per map is 268.435.456, so basically 16384x16384.

Using asymmetric numbers should be able to increase it beyond 16384 but you have to lower the other number, for example: 8192x32768, 4096x65536 etc.

To be fair: 16384x16384 is already REALLY big, that's four times bigger than what the original version can generate.
Originally posted by Theblaze:
To be fair: 16384x16384 is already REALLY big, that's four times bigger than what the original version can generate.

Sixteen times larger, and 4000 times larger than what TTD shipped with.
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