Why does leveling the ground suck so much?
I'm trying to place train tracks and it always leaves some spots with slopes. I go over it again and again but there is always a bump somewhere.

I wish placing a track would just auto level it and charge me a bit extra.
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omnius 27 Jan @ 9:23am 
It's a matter of finding the correct corner to choose when leveling. It's a bit clumsy but with trial and error you'll get the hang of which corners to pick when leveling.
default terraforming settings do indeed suck
harken23 15 Feb @ 7:08pm 
The auto-leveler isn't terrible. The equal sign in the landscaping menu.
Leveler is good, you just need to understand that the first dot you select will be the level you're adjusting to. After that, the result is going to be predictable.
Last edited by Spychopat; 26 Feb @ 7:06am
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