PVP Mode
Does anyone know of a good way to play this game PVP other than comparing networth at the game end.

Does anyone have any options for this? Any idea's are welcome.
Originally posted by Pepe:
I think I've figured it out a bit. It's easier than originally thought.

1. Look at the Multiplayer servers list.
2. When you pick a server, it will show a game script list on the Game Info pane.
3. Go back and create a new game (works for starting an in-game multiplayer server as well).
4. Go to Game Scripts Settings, click Check Online Content.
5. Get the script you saw on the server.

Unfortunately it's not working this way.

These servers are using custom scripts that are not on the official in-game online content list. For example, as far as I could dig out on the web, xShunter is more of a server controller that hooks to the normal server and takes control of the management of the server.

If you want to dig deeper on these servers scripts, the most popular hosts of OpenTTD servers use one of the following scripts:
- xShunter OpenTTD Controller (v2)
- - CItyBuilder (v2), CompanyValue (v2)
- GS by Marko www.ottd.rop (v1)

Now, if you go into the in-game Game Scripts Settings > Check Online Content, you will find a lot of scripts, but some names suggest they are doing what we're looking for:
- City Controller
- CityBuilder
- CityDomination
- Company Value GS
- Deliverance
- Global Objective System
- NoCarGoal
- Simple City Builder
- TransportGoals
Probably there are more.

I found that the the lists of servers and game scripts are also available on the OpenTTD site, which is nice. For the game scripts, you can see which were updated lately and even go to their project site (which is usually a link to the tt-forums), so you can learn more there.

Servers list:

Game Scripts list:

Let's wrap it up. For a basic in-game server, you can do this:
1. a) Go to New Game, for Offline / Single Player Mode with AI
1. b) Go to Multiplayer > Start Server > New Game

2. Go to Game Scripts Settings, click Check Online Content.
3. Select the Game Scripts you want to try/use and click Download.
4. From the Game Scripts Settings, click Select Game Script and select the script you want for the current game.
5. Configure the parameters listed (or maybe don't, at least on the first game)
6. Close the Game Scripts Settings and click Generate to start a new game.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
In previous versions, there was the option to buy out the stock in other player companies, but this feature hasn't bee in the more recent versions of the game.
Jack 2 Jan @ 11:37am 
Originally posted by Aleuvian:
In previous versions, there was the option to buy out the stock in other player companies, but this feature hasn't bee in the more recent versions of the game.
yeah I've played the version with this, I just saw a modified version of openttd once that was a battle royale mode but i never saw any mods publicly posted for it and wondered if anyone knew of any pvp system anyone had made. if there is nothing i'll make my own haha.
i am interested in this also.
Pepe 11 Jan @ 12:49pm 
If I remember correctly, the game also ends if you reach 1000 performance rating before the time deadline.

As for something more doable, try the "city builder" / goal servers. They have some sort of goals like reach a certain city population or company value. That makes a rankings list. In some, the final top is made by a few things, like the time it took for someone to reach the goal + delivery streaks and bonuses + loan took (this is an example of the scoring I just found on a city builder server).

I don't know how to make these servers, but I guess it's doable with some time spent on researching how to configure the mods.
Jack 11 Jan @ 1:50pm 
Originally posted by Pepe:
If I remember correctly, the game also ends if you reach 1000 performance rating before the time deadline.

As for something more doable, try the "city builder" / goal servers. They have some sort of goals like reach a certain city population or company value. That makes a rankings list. In some, the final top is made by a few things, like the time it took for someone to reach the goal + delivery streaks and bonuses + loan took (this is an example of the scoring I just found on a city builder server).

I don't know how to make these servers, but I guess it's doable with some time spent on researching how to configure the mods.

Thanks for this, this is great info.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Pepe 12 Jan @ 4:18am 
I think I've figured it out a bit. It's easier than originally thought.

1. Look at the Multiplayer servers list.
2. When you pick a server, it will show a game script list on the Game Info pane.
3. Go back and create a new game (works for starting an in-game multiplayer server as well).
4. Go to Game Scripts Settings, click Check Online Content.
5. Get the script you saw on the server.

Unfortunately it's not working this way.

These servers are using custom scripts that are not on the official in-game online content list. For example, as far as I could dig out on the web, xShunter is more of a server controller that hooks to the normal server and takes control of the management of the server.

If you want to dig deeper on these servers scripts, the most popular hosts of OpenTTD servers use one of the following scripts:
- xShunter OpenTTD Controller (v2)
- - CItyBuilder (v2), CompanyValue (v2)
- GS by Marko www.ottd.rop (v1)

Now, if you go into the in-game Game Scripts Settings > Check Online Content, you will find a lot of scripts, but some names suggest they are doing what we're looking for:
- City Controller
- CityBuilder
- CityDomination
- Company Value GS
- Deliverance
- Global Objective System
- NoCarGoal
- Simple City Builder
- TransportGoals
Probably there are more.

I found that the the lists of servers and game scripts are also available on the OpenTTD site, which is nice. For the game scripts, you can see which were updated lately and even go to their project site (which is usually a link to the tt-forums), so you can learn more there.

Servers list:

Game Scripts list:

Let's wrap it up. For a basic in-game server, you can do this:
1. a) Go to New Game, for Offline / Single Player Mode with AI
1. b) Go to Multiplayer > Start Server > New Game

2. Go to Game Scripts Settings, click Check Online Content.
3. Select the Game Scripts you want to try/use and click Download.
4. From the Game Scripts Settings, click Select Game Script and select the script you want for the current game.
5. Configure the parameters listed (or maybe don't, at least on the first game)
6. Close the Game Scripts Settings and click Generate to start a new game.
Last edited by Pepe; 12 Jan @ 4:35am
Jack 12 Jan @ 4:48am 
Originally posted by Pepe:
I think I've figured it out a bit. It's easier than originally thought.

1. Look at the Multiplayer servers list.
2. When you pick a server, it will show a game script list on the Game Info pane.
3. Go back and create a new game (works for starting an in-game multiplayer server as well).
4. Go to Game Scripts Settings, click Check Online Content.
5. Get the script you saw on the server.

Unfortunately it's not working this way.

These servers are using custom scripts that are not on the official in-game online content list. For example, as far as I could dig out on the web, xShunter is more of a server controller that hooks to the normal server and takes control of the management of the server.

If you want to dig deeper on these servers scripts, the most popular hosts of OpenTTD servers use one of the following scripts:
- xShunter OpenTTD Controller (v2)
- - CItyBuilder (v2), CompanyValue (v2)
- GS by Marko www.ottd.rop (v1)

Now, if you go into the in-game Game Scripts Settings > Check Online Content, you will find a lot of scripts, but some names suggest they are doing what we're looking for:
- City Controller
- CityBuilder
- CityDomination
- Company Value GS
- Deliverance
- Global Objective System
- NoCarGoal
- Simple City Builder
- TransportGoals
Probably there are more.

I found that the the lists of servers and game scripts are also available on the OpenTTD site, which is nice. For the game scripts, you can see which were updated lately and even go to their project site (which is usually a link to the tt-forums), so you can learn more there.

Servers list:

Game Scripts list:

Let's wrap it up. For a basic in-game server, you can do this:
1. a) Go to New Game, for Offline / Single Player Mode with AI
1. b) Go to Multiplayer > Start Server > New Game

2. Go to Game Scripts Settings, click Check Online Content.
3. Select the Game Scripts you want to try/use and click Download.
4. From the Game Scripts Settings, click Select Game Script and select the script you want for the current game.
5. Configure the parameters listed (or maybe don't, at least on the first game)
6. Close the Game Scripts Settings and click Generate to start a new game.
You are a absolute legend, thank you.
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