do you think is unfair that people that wasted a lot of money for a mac can't play rounds
like bro i wasted like $10 for nothing.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
who tf buys rounds when its not on sale
Tempura 26 Jan @ 11:38am 
... just refund it?
Botten Hanna  [developer] 26 Jan @ 11:01pm 
Hi, steam should tell you that the game is PC only when you purchase - we have marked it as not being on mac. You can refund through steam:
U have brain damage i fear
bought it for 2 dolla dolla
WeirdCat 30 Jan @ 4:08pm 
Runs flawlessly on Linux via Proton. If Mac specifically cannot deal with this task, then it's a very strange kind of machine to use or buy
u do realise refund is a thing
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