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[EUG] MadMat  [developer] 18 Sep, 2024 @ 12:53am
FAQ - Why no Soviet T-72 division?
Because the game focuses on WW3 in Germany ... and there was no Soviet T-72 in Germany.
Soviet tank units in GSVG (Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, that is NORTHAG and CENTAG) were "tip of the spear", and they were equipped with the finest tanks USSR had. CENTAG mostly saw T-80B/BV opposing them, while NORTHAG had a mix of T-64 variants and some T-80B/BV.

T-72 wasn't consider a good tank by USSR and was mostly made for export to other WP countries, or use by Soviet second lines troops. Only Soviet T-72-equipped units in Central Europe were in CGV (Czechoslovakia) or back home in USSR territory.

T-72 wasn't a main Soviet tank, it is a main post-Cold War Russian one. After the fall of the Soviet Union, T-80 production was discontinued (spread too much) in favor of the T-72 for economies of scale. The T-72 factory is absolutely gigantic, in prime years it could make 1200 tanks per year every year on 6 production lanes.
Last edited by [EUG] MadMat; 1 Oct, 2024 @ 2:35am
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Showing 1-15 of 118 comments
sanjar 18 Sep, 2024 @ 1:22am 
But we want more T-72s!
with reactive armor
Last edited by sanjar; 18 Sep, 2024 @ 1:24am
Misvor 18 Sep, 2024 @ 2:01am 
Maybe "March to war" some t-72, especially with super limited 1 card with Shtora dazzler. If it comes up as a Nemesis #3 that would be my pick
Last edited by Misvor; 18 Sep, 2024 @ 2:04am
Drug Tino 18 Sep, 2024 @ 2:28am 
So there you got your answer people. It is not a "No" but rather a "not yet"

It will come with SOUTHAG at the earliest. If not then, then later (a reserve division Nemesis pick? Scandinavia DLC?).
Ahriman 18 Sep, 2024 @ 3:36am 
To add to the historical context of the T-72 vs T-80, the Soviets didn't particularly rate the T-72 in high regards, thus why it was so vastly exported as opposed to internal use. It had flaws to it that made it lesser than the T-80 in many ways, so while the T-80 was much more expensive and fuel inefficient, they preferred it over the T-72. The T-90 is basically just a rebranded T-72 for this reason, in order to avoid the bad reputation the T-72 had among the Soviets/Russians, as it still is very similar to the T-72 in many ways, the primary changes being modernized systems, partially from the T-80 itself.

However, the Czechs and Poles used it extensively, particularly the Czechs. In other words, we might see them with the Poles, but it will be the Czechs that would most likely see the biggest deployment of the type.
[EUG] MadMat  [developer] 18 Sep, 2024 @ 4:40am 
Originally posted by Misvor:
Maybe "March to war" some t-72, especially with super limited 1 card with Shtora dazzler. If it comes up as a Nemesis #3 that would be my pick
T-72 wouldn't be a "march to war" tank: it is the Soviet lesser tank!
LastTurkInPontus 18 Sep, 2024 @ 5:25am 
Will we see T-72 with ERA on other Pact nations ?
Drug Tino 18 Sep, 2024 @ 10:58am 
Originally posted by LastTurkInPontus:
Will we see T-72 with ERA on other Pact nations ?

I doubt that.

As far as I know no such entered service by the end of the Eastern Bloc in 1990.
They would have to play the "march to war" card very generously and introduce some Polish Wilk/Twardy prototype. Or the T-72M1M/S variants like we got in WG:RD.
LastTurkInPontus 18 Sep, 2024 @ 12:23pm 
Originally posted by Drug Tino:
Originally posted by LastTurkInPontus:
Will we see T-72 with ERA on other Pact nations ?

I doubt that.

As far as I know no such entered service by the end of the Eastern Bloc in 1990.
They would have to play the "march to war" card very generously and introduce some Polish Wilk/Twardy prototype. Or the T-72M1M/S variants like we got in WG:RD.
I assume march to war means giving East Germany and Poland new T-14's with help of time machines so checks for me
ChargingSnail 18 Sep, 2024 @ 12:44pm 
Originally posted by LastTurkInPontus:
Originally posted by Drug Tino:

I doubt that.

As far as I know no such entered service by the end of the Eastern Bloc in 1990.
They would have to play the "march to war" card very generously and introduce some Polish Wilk/Twardy prototype. Or the T-72M1M/S variants like we got in WG:RD.
I assume march to war means giving East Germany and Poland new T-14's with help of time machines so checks for me
About WIlk.
jmpveg22 18 Sep, 2024 @ 4:51pm 
Originally posted by EUG MadMat:
Originally posted by Misvor:
Maybe "March to war" some t-72, especially with super limited 1 card with Shtora dazzler. If it comes up as a Nemesis #3 that would be my pick
T-72 wouldn't be a "march to war" tank: it is the Soviet lesser tank!


It would be weirdly parable to Americans keeping production of the M-60 open for export only... and opting to still equip whole units with the M-60 while the M1 was also in full rate production.

The Soviets would of course use the T-72 in Europe.... in month 2 or 3 of the conflict. And really because it was much easier to produce and by that time it's a straight war of attrition if the war is going on... and if there is a world still around to be at war by that point.

Truthfully i would be more interested in the Soviets getting other aspects that would likely occur in this alternative timeline than having them uncharacteristically do something that was antithetical to their doctrine.

In this timeline i'm betting you would have seen increased production rate of systems like 2S19 Msta-S, 2S7M Malka, T-80U/T-80UK, BMP-3, BM-30 Smerch, SU-27, KA-50/52, etc etc... to offset the perceived vulnerability presented from the newer western systems coming into their own. Like in this timeline i woulda expected the Soviets to increase T-80 production and move those T-64s into their 2nd tier.
Urk_da_WAAAGH! 18 Sep, 2024 @ 5:55pm 
The argument of not being positioned in Germany worked when we didn't had 2 mainland US divisions in game honestly.
Tigg 19 Sep, 2024 @ 1:17am 
Ahriman 19 Sep, 2024 @ 3:26am 
Originally posted by Urk_da_WAAAGH!:
The argument of not being positioned in Germany worked when we didn't had 2 mainland US divisions in game honestly.

I am curious what these Divisions are as all the Divisions that weren't physically stationed within Germany were to be transported rapidly within 10-30 days to the front in the case of an invasion. As far as I am aware, none of them would make it logical for Soviets to bring out their second-rate units when they haven't even deployed all of their top of the line units, as even Nato hasn't brought in the emergency reinforcements, just the designated units.
molnibalage 19 Sep, 2024 @ 8:58am 
Originally posted by LastTurkInPontus:
Will we see T-72 with ERA on other Pact nations ?
Nope. NSWPACT countries had the T-72M or M1 but as I can recall they never had ERA or at least in Hungary but I have never seen any ERA equipped non-Soviet T-72.
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