Do I get this game or wait for broken arrow?
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Name 22 Jan @ 7:39pm 
They both fantasize PACT so if you like that sort of thing buy both. I personally did not enjoy the mechanics of broken arrow where exotic units that are destroyed can be called back in again after a set amount of time, and I also don’t recall vehicles using fuel so there were a lot of matches that felt like they played out like war thunder
Originally posted by Name:
They both fantasize PACT so if you like that sort of thing buy both. I personally did not enjoy the mechanics of broken arrow where exotic units that are destroyed can be called back in again after a set amount of time, and I also don’t recall vehicles using fuel so there were a lot of matches that felt like they played out like war thunder
Played 1v1 ranked
Buy it if it seems good to you. Broken Arrow currently has no release date announced
ZuluX 22 Jan @ 11:12pm 
Originally posted by LastTurkInPontus:
Buy it if it seems good to you. Broken Arrow currently has no release date announced
It was announced to be roughly June this year
both suck steel division 2 is still the best war rts.
151 23 Jan @ 1:03am 
If you are waiting for Broken Arrow, you might have to wait forever. They delayed the release time from 2023 to q4 2024 and now to June 2025. Who knows if they are going to delay it again.

But for Warno, it's still too expensive. The Wargame trilogy bundle and the deluxe edition Steel Division 2 are cheaper than the Warno base game alone. So not really worth it now, given that there are so many AI generated images and weird voicelines in Warno. The game's color scheme and UI are bad that will make your eyes easily sore as well. So I wouldn't recommend buying it till it's cheaper.
Ahriman 23 Jan @ 3:24am 
Well, the most obvious statement here is to say go for WARNO, because BA hasn't come out yet, and there are more guarantees for it to continue to be delayed than the opposite, as the previous beta still suffered from serious bugs, lack of server infra, and over a third of the promised content still missing, so while I dearly wish that the game comes out in June, I won't hold out hope for it to do so.

But all of it depends entirely on what kind of gameplay you want, as the two do not play similarly enough to be directly compared.

WARNO is a realistic RTS game, where you command a full battlegroup, with several dozens of units at once all around a wide front. Unit interaction is less individualistic and detailed, but comes with the convenience that you don't have to remember the exact nuances of every single loadout and unit. Losses are permanent, making kills more valuable, and planning more critical.

Broken Arrow is modern-combat tactics game, and this is where the difference already starts being apparent. You command ~10 units at any given time in BA, you are supposed to cycle them in and out, losses are not permanent, so you are encouraged to do suicidal attacks to irk an advantage. The game is also more team-oriented, as it rather poorly translates into smaller matches of less than 4 players, as the maps are absolutely gigantic, while simultaneously you are still limited to the said dozen or so units depending on what you play. Units are significantly more detailed in terms of their loadouts, however their interaction is far more arcade in exchange. Your vehicles and Infantry both have health bars and the interaction between HE, HEAT, and AP vs Armour only really matters for the various defensive values you have, but in most cases becomes irrelevant because they are modern weapons, meaning they will kill their target in just about one hit either way, as per their design.

If you want a cheaper way to test if BA will be a game you will enjoy, in case you have missed the betas, get World in Conflict. It is much closer to the kind of game BA is going for, incredible game by its own right. Meanwhile WARNO offers a different type of gameplay, and is currently available, so it boils more down to what kind of gameplay you want and how long do you want to wait for the alternative.
It also depends on what type of technology you're interested in. WARNO is set in the late 1980s/early 1990s with a strong focus on a "what-if" scenario that was a real possible outcome.

Broken Arrow is set in the Modern Day/Near future with a slightly less realistic scenario.
oddball 23 Jan @ 11:34am 
Broken Arrow is mostly a forum game which occasionally allows you to interact with the world's most buggy and crash prone tech demo. The developers also offer a sideline in financial domination: you send them money and they send you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Warno is a video game where you roll tanks around blowing things up.

If you like video games warno is the obvious choice. If you like posting about how superior your game will be if it ever comes out continue waiting for Broken Arrow. I'm sure it'll be out anytime now in 2023 2024 2025 2026
Last edited by oddball; 23 Jan @ 11:35am
Jsopasas 23 Jan @ 11:51am 
WARNO started out good, but the balance went to "Trash SD 2 Style" Real Quick.

SD Normandy 44 is still the gold standard for me with this type of game.

In WARNO it's so hard to accomplish anything with Heli's or Planes, "It's Ridiculous."
Why save up for a plane when you know there's a 85% chance it will get shot down?
There should be more suppression vs. Air Units forcing them to retreat, and if enough AA then they go down, but this " shot 1 kill" style of game-play SUCKS!

So hard to Recon because the Detection of Units is "Stupid Good."
There should be a whole lot more bonuses for stealth / recon units.

WARNO is basically a Tank Spam Fest due to their mobility & armor.
Easy to wipe out Infantry with Arty.

Overall Balance in WARNO went from Enjoyable (initial release) to Let's please all the cry baby fan base that craves for the "One Shot One Kill Unit Spam Fest (minus tanks) Regardless of Unit Price."

So looking forward to Broken Arrow. :steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup:
Last edited by Jsopasas; 23 Jan @ 11:51am
Abacus 23 Jan @ 12:20pm 
Originally posted by Jsopasas:
WARNO started out good, but the balance went to "Trash SD 2 Style" Real Quick.

SD Normandy 44 is still the gold standard for me with this type of game.

In WARNO it's so hard to accomplish anything with Heli's or Planes, "It's Ridiculous."
Why save up for a plane when you know there's a 85% chance it will get shot down?
There should be more suppression vs. Air Units forcing them to retreat, and if enough AA then they go down, but this " shot 1 kill" style of game-play SUCKS!

So hard to Recon because the Detection of Units is "Stupid Good."
There should be a whole lot more bonuses for stealth / recon units.

WARNO is basically a Tank Spam Fest due to their mobility & armor.
Easy to wipe out Infantry with Arty.

Overall Balance in WARNO went from Enjoyable (initial release) to Let's please all the cry baby fan base that craves for the "One Shot One Kill Unit Spam Fest (minus tanks) Regardless of Unit Price."

So looking forward to Broken Arrow. :steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup:
This is not how Warno works and shows a lack of knowing the current game. While some things may have been somewhat valid in the past. Simply spamming something doesn't work, if an opponent has a proper units.

Lack of experience can make a lot of these complaints frustrating, but sticking with the game and learning more tactics will help some these issues.

If anything try both.

The balance is the best it has been. I have certain gripes, but the base system is the best of the games, and clearly made by a much more experienced team on the format.
Last edited by Abacus; 23 Jan @ 12:47pm
Jsopasas 23 Jan @ 6:14pm 
Originally posted by Abacus:
Originally posted by Jsopasas:
WARNO started out good, but the balance went to "Trash SD 2 Style" Real Quick.

SD Normandy 44 is still the gold standard for me with this type of game.

In WARNO it's so hard to accomplish anything with Heli's or Planes, "It's Ridiculous."
Why save up for a plane when you know there's a 85% chance it will get shot down?
There should be more suppression vs. Air Units forcing them to retreat, and if enough AA then they go down, but this " shot 1 kill" style of game-play SUCKS!

So hard to Recon because the Detection of Units is "Stupid Good."
There should be a whole lot more bonuses for stealth / recon units.

WARNO is basically a Tank Spam Fest due to their mobility & armor.
Easy to wipe out Infantry with Arty.

Overall Balance in WARNO went from Enjoyable (initial release) to Let's please all the cry baby fan base that craves for the "One Shot One Kill Unit Spam Fest (minus tanks) Regardless of Unit Price."

So looking forward to Broken Arrow. :steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup:
This is not how Warno works and shows a lack of knowing the current game. While some things may have been somewhat valid in the past. Simply spamming something doesn't work, if an opponent has a proper units.

Lack of experience can make a lot of these complaints frustrating, but sticking with the game and learning more tactics will help some these issues.

If anything try both.

The balance is the best it has been. I have certain gripes, but the base system is the best of the games, and clearly made by a much more experienced team on the format.

Nice try, but Nope.

I have a ton of Experience and your focus on WARNO compared to SD 2 or Normandy 44 shows your biased point of view on liking WARNO and that is fine, to each their own.

Game on and enjoy it, but nothing I said is off base, and surely will cause offense to fans of the series; most like SD 2 and the more spammy type of balance compared to Normandy 44.

As I said, when WARNO first came out which "required the same knowledge of how the game mechanics work" was more enjoyable for me for a reason.

Comments like yours just makes me more excited for Broken Arrow to come out. :steamhappy:
Last edited by Jsopasas; 23 Jan @ 6:20pm
Abacus 23 Jan @ 6:27pm 
Originally posted by Jsopasas:
Originally posted by Abacus:
As I said, when WARNO first came out which "required the same knowledge of how the game mechanics work" was more enjoyable for me for a reason.
As you said to each their own, but what you describe is not how the game currently plays.

These may have been factors in the past for some, but as someone consistently Playing currently.

What you describe would end in quite a few losses. butImuptodate.

Anyways, I'm sure plenty will like BA, as the diet version of Warno.

I just hope everyone enjoys these wonderful time, with so many options!:praisesun:
Last edited by Abacus; 23 Jan @ 6:28pm
Ahriman 24 Jan @ 2:53am 
Originally posted by Jsopasas:
So looking forward to Broken Arrow. :steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup:

The absolute irony of this statement, when everything you listed to be a problem with WARNO is even worse in BA. No need for Recon outside of Drones, just about everything dies to one shot, AA has a 99% chance to it if you have a PC that can run the game fast enough (because calculations are done client-side, not server side so your PC performance matters funnily enough), and if all else fails, you can just delete the enemy with 16 simultaneous Cruise Missiles.

My only real issue with '44 boiled down to scale. I did absolutely enjoy being able to deny Allies any and all forms of Air Power using 16. Luftwaffe, placing down two 88s on my side of the battle map and just not only instantly rout any plane that came in, but also shoot them down, with absolutely nothing that could be done about it until Phase B when most people got their actual Artillery.

Your experience with WARNO is wild though, as my time with the game, those of my friends, and what I have seen online from people that stream it does not align even remotely with it. Maybe in 10v10 it does, but I have 0 experience on that front, so I can't exactly comment if it is accurate there, but in 1v1s, 2v2s, 3v3s, and 4v4s I can't say the experience is even 10% of what you claimed it to be, again based on personal observations from my own experience and those I've seen from others.
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