If you don't vote for 4.3, you have no soul
Redcoats in furry hats! How could you not be swayed?
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Showing 1-15 of 27 comments
DasaKamov 30 Jan @ 12:37pm 
Cue Brits huffing: "That wouldn't be historically accurate in an active war zone, old bean."
i swear if i see 4.3 win my soul is gonna leave my body
All the nemesis options have no soul and are pretty one sided in new stuff too.

As an old SD2 player, i just feel ashamed about how lame this WARNO Nemesis run is.

The only thing interesting in this, is the new SAS squad or the Kriegsmarine in 4.2.
Ahriman 30 Jan @ 1:54pm 
Originally posted by Kaiser der goldenen Sonne:
As an old SD2 player, i just feel ashamed about how lame this WARNO Nemesis run is.

To be fair, these picks aren't that much different to me than those we have had in SD2 where a similar pattern more or less repeated itself where in a pairing, there is one that is sorta unique and something new, while the other is something we already have in-game, just with 2-3 units shuffled around.

I'll be going for the 4.2 personally because the Germans in that one. If it was up to me, it would be the 4.2 Germans, and the 4.3 Soviets, but alas, I have to make do with one or the other.
Don't tell what to do.
Originally posted by Kaiser der goldenen Sonne:
All the nemesis options have no soul and are pretty one sided in new stuff too.

As an old SD2 player, i just feel ashamed about how lame this WARNO Nemesis run is.

The only thing interesting in this, is the new SAS squad or the Kriegsmarine in 4.2.
I have no faith after the last Nemesis Vote.
You people seem to be missing the important thing here...

We can be commanding little guys in furry hats and red suits!
i fear that its gonna end up like last nemezis where only 1 div is played and 2 is ultra trash i swear these kinds of stuff triggers me
Rabidnid 30 Jan @ 5:09pm 
Originally posted by Green Raven:
You people seem to be missing the important thing here...

We can be commanding little guys in furry hats and red suits!

Quite. Need queen with MP5 as CV

And both 2 and 3 are good for pact.

3 is good for brits. (they only had like 2 proper divisions so this is as good as it gets now)
As much of a meme as it is, I'm more frustrated that this is even an option when for months I've been placated with "the Marines are earmarked for Norway". Its a weak excuse now that we're throwing in London and Moscow guard regiments.

Also the idea that the entire 2nd MEF would all go to Norway, and not split into multiple detachments to spread multiple battalions of Ground, Logistics, and Aviation Combat Elements across the theater, or even as QRF to blitz and hold a location in emergencies is straight BS.

I really want NATO resolute troops worth a damn and amphibious capability on par with 90% of the PACT units (Even if we currently lack maps for that to really matter).
Last edited by Fannidan13; 30 Jan @ 6:38pm
Originally posted by Fannidan13:
As much of a meme as it is, I'm more frustrated that this is even an option when for months I've been placated with "the Marines are earmarked for Norway". Its a weak excuse now that we're throwing in London and Moscow guard regiments.

Also the idea that the entire 2nd MEF would all go to Norway, and not split into multiple detachments to spread multiple battalions of Ground, Logistics, and Aviation Combat Elements across the theater, or even as QRF to blitz and hold a location in emergencies is straight BS.

I really want NATO resolute troops worth a damn and amphibious capability on par with 90% of the PACT units.
dont worry i can bet that the nemesis they choosed themselfs is about usa marine div cause one of the eugen worker said some time ago (about 2 months) that for sure in the future there gonna be f-14 in the game f-14=marine compontent so dont worry you will prob get it
Rabidnid 30 Jan @ 6:52pm 
Originally posted by Fannidan13:
As much of a meme as it is, I'm more frustrated that this is even an option when for months I've been placated with "the Marines are earmarked for Norway". Its a weak excuse now that we're throwing in London and Moscow guard regiments.

Also the idea that the entire 2nd MEF would all go to Norway, and not split into multiple detachments to spread multiple battalions of Ground, Logistics, and Aviation Combat Elements across the theater, or even as QRF to blitz and hold a location in emergencies is straight BS.

I really want NATO resolute troops worth a damn and amphibious capability on par with 90% of the PACT units (Even if we currently lack maps for that to really matter).

Marines will get their own DLC, they would be wasted in a nemesis.
Originally posted by Fannidan13:
As much of a meme as it is, I'm more frustrated that this is even an option when for months I've been placated with "the Marines are earmarked for Norway". Its a weak excuse now that we're throwing in London and Moscow guard regiments.
You seem to be confused about Nemesis divisions, which are unrelated, "for fun" match-ups voted on by the community, and "expansion" DLCs like the recent NORTHAG release, which are larger, more substantial (containing Army General content and Operations) and related to the WARNO plot-line as a whole.

The hypothetical US Marine additions would be one of the latter, larger DLC, as you yourself acknowledge some time ago:
Originally posted by Fannidan13, September 1, 2024:
After going back and looking at Cold War maps, I worry that the Marine Corps would be a Southag group. The UK's Navy would most likely secure the waterways into Scandinavia, and the US Navy (and the Marines by extention) would be in the Mediterranean to aid an isolated Turkey.
Last edited by DasaKamov; 30 Jan @ 6:52pm
Rabidnid 30 Jan @ 7:11pm 
The tradition in out of theatre DLCs in SD2 was to not have AG campaigns. We will see if they want to do a Norway or Italy map.
what i would want is nemezis about battle of bosphorus russian+bulgarian task force vs grecee/turkey it would be fun
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 10:43am
Posts: 27