Out of Order

Out of Order

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DazeDraco 21 Jan, 2023 @ 6:40pm
Loving the game, but what about modding potential?
I feel the game's nearly without flaw as is, and the great amount of customization for map making, palette swapping, etc. is well worth the price, but what about further modification or addition? I would be more specific, but I've had a couple things run across my mind like adding more characters for player customization, some simple modifiers like restricting to 2 or more colors but upping tower count, maybe more pets, up to 2 modifiers per round, that kinda thing.

I understand fan mods would likely be a tad tricky at the state the game's in being pretty complete, and some of them might adjust the game out of the scope that was originally designed, but wanted to put forward the idea if possible. Keep up the great work!
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Follow The Fun  [developer] 22 Jan, 2023 @ 2:40am 
Modding would be very cool! I don't have much experience with it. Of everything you mentioned, custom pets would probably be easiest as they are just a static sprite with some settings like walk speed, rotation etc. But most things are relatively hardcoded into the game.

Changing the round spec/modifiers wouldn't be too hard, it's just a bunch of variables with weights. I could add the ability for the user to edit those weights.

As for restricting the number of colours, you can already do that by limiting the number of colours in a palette.

Thank you for your kind words btw, I appreciate the enthusiasm :CMYHappy: Let me know if I'm on the same wavelength
Last edited by Follow The Fun; 22 Jan, 2023 @ 2:42am
DazeDraco 22 Jan, 2023 @ 6:45am 
Fair do's, I'm coming at this from a fairly amateur direction, I've played around with workshop and mods for years but never developed anything myself. I'm very much an ideas guy with not much in terms of execution, but would love to give it a shot!

Glad to hear that mods would be the easier of the two as honestly it's the part I'm most interested in, the potential the game has in high round play has me very interested, especially in multiplayer or once you've gotten a large stockpile of powerups.

This would explain some things, so some maps or rounds are restricted to 2 colors? I've seen vaguely what I'm describing as a modifier in the game a couple times with 2 color towers only, just wanted to get a clarification on it.

You're pretty much right on the money yeah, I've got a few more things in mind here and there, but would rather discuss in DMs if you might be alright with that either here through steam or discord.

I'm planning to stream the game down the line and wanted to see how far I can push it before then to make it really pop for the viewers, as I'd love to give the game as much traction as I can, more people deserve to see your work!

I'm Daze Draco#0594 on Discord if you'd like to contact me there! :lunar2019piginablanket:
Follow The Fun  [developer] 22 Jan, 2023 @ 8:10am 
Oh, I'd prefer to discuss here so then anyone can join in, that's the best way to brainstorm!

That's very considerate of you to ensure the best performance for your viewers! I'm happy to open up some of the internal controls if you're interested in playing with it. But be warned that there will be bugs if you experiment outside the scope of what I've already tested!

This game was not successful at all (it barely paid for itself) so I consider it to be a completed work at this point.

It's also been quite a while since I worked on it (almost a year now) so I cannot really provide further additions to it beyond minor patches and tweaks. Anything larger than that, I'd probably want to start over, because this game already suffered from a lot of feature creep and is held together with duct tape! The capabilities offered are way beyond the intended scope of the game.

As I said though, I'm more than happy to "un-black-box" some of the inner functionality so you can play with it more.
Last edited by Follow The Fun; 22 Jan, 2023 @ 8:17am
DazeDraco 22 Jan, 2023 @ 9:07am 
Ah yeah I understand, I've done the same with a couple of my projects as well with reworking systems from the ground up, and if you do decide to I'm certainly here for it!

As far as internals or additions/manipulation of the game as is, I was going to draw up some sprites and attempt to either overlay or add in some custom characters for me and the guests on stream, though I understand if that's something that'd take too much effort with how the game is currently built.

Aside from that I don't have much other than ideas as I've mentioned before, and potential additions which I can go on about in more detail once I've thought through them a bit more.

I hope that we might be able to kick up a following in some way for the game and others you've been developing, because I'm a big fan of the style and general ideas you've worked with creating these unique puzzle games, and OoO is one of my biggest favourites in a long time.
Follow The Fun  [developer] 22 Jan, 2023 @ 9:21am 
It's quite tough because I'd love to open it up and allow you to upload your own images straight into the game, but the engine I use doesn't allow for that out the box (all game images are packed and baked into texture pages before compile). It would have had to have been written to support that from the start.
Polygonetwo 22 Jan, 2023 @ 9:21am 
Being able to add more characters/pets would certainly be nice. Out of curiosity, what engine are you using? :o
Last edited by Polygonetwo; 22 Jan, 2023 @ 9:21am
Follow The Fun  [developer] 22 Jan, 2023 @ 9:22am 
Game Maker 1.4
DazeDraco 22 Jan, 2023 @ 9:33am 
Aaaah yeah fair, I figured that was the case but had some wishful thinking lol. I'm still planning on making the sprites anyways for the stream, so if things down the line end up that you'd be willing to add them down the line, I'll have them ready eh? :lunar2019grinningpig:

Seriously tho, just thank you again for making this game and putting it out there, because even if this is where it ends up I'll still see myself returning to it fondly :lunar2019piginablanket:
Follow The Fun  [developer] 23 Jan, 2023 @ 4:45am 
Hey no worries, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it!
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