Out of Order

Out of Order

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Orca Toy is FINALLY mine!
After about 14 hours of play time i finally manage to save up enough to buy the orca toy!
i have to say tho, at first, for some reason, i just refused to buy or use any of the upgrades or tools. to save money i guess?.. but now i see that not using them was definitely holding me back lol, i would only be able to get to about round 20? or so maybe if i was lucky. but with them i managed 50+ once :D
Also, is it possible to see the highest round that you've made it to? if not it would be a nice thing to see along with the other stats, unless i just missed it?
beautiful game btw!, totally in love with the art and atmosphere <3
< >
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Follow The Fun  [developer] 6 Apr, 2024 @ 3:52am 
Thank you so much for playing, well done on obtaining the orca toy :CMYHappy:

It definitely will help to use the powerups - it reminds me of that meme where the player saved all his best weapons to the end, defeated the final boss using the starter weapon, and then realised that it was pointless saving up all the loot because now he will close the game anyway and never use it.

I can't remember if it saves the highest round you've been to, but it rolls through various stats along the top of the window. Perhaps highest round is one of them!

I'm so glad to hear that you like the artwork and atmosphere, I put a lot of work into making it feel this way.
Last edited by Follow The Fun; 6 Apr, 2024 @ 3:53am
perfect analogy! i always feel the need to save, even if i don't know what i'm saving for lol.
but i don't think it does save the highest round tho, i watched the stats thing and i didn't see it..?

Thank you again for making this beautiful thing, i mentioned this in my review, but i just want to express how inspiring this game really is for me. it gave me the motivation i needed to actually start on own my game dev journey!
i even use Gamemaker because of it too!

Really wish i could dissect and mod this game more, i think it's truly amazing :D
Follow The Fun  [developer] 6 Apr, 2024 @ 6:19am 
Originally posted by rainey:
Really wish i could dissect and mod this game more, i think it's truly amazing :D
Ah sorry, I am unable to provide the source code.

But honestly it's for the best, the code here is absolutely atrocious, not good learning material at all!
Follow The Fun  [developer] 6 Apr, 2024 @ 6:21am 
But that's awesome to hear it's inspired you to start making games! :CMYHappy:
< >
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