Nightmare Frames

Nightmare Frames

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A few small bugs
Hey, just wanted to report a few small things I found :)

typo -- somewhere in Serena: "ther" should be "there" (sorry, I wasn't taking notes at this point)

word choice: (hell) Guy in closet uses the word 'evade' in a weird way, didn't look right.

Blood machine lever hotspot is labeled 'crowbar' after its been used.
< >
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Hey, thanks a lot for this! The deadline for the proofreading was really tight so a few typos/mistakes slipped through, but the good news is that I'm going over the whole script again as we speak and there'll be a patch soon addressing these things and a few more! 😊
There's also a few things I noticed (spoilers ahead!):

- When you leave the cinema by car, the car drives off to the left side of the screen, but the next scene we see it going from left to right.
If it's intended, Touché, if it's not, it's actually a break of the screen direction rule ( ).

- The Horror Business achievement didn't work for me, neither did any of the following (story related) ones.
Finishing the game, exiting it, starting it again and loading savegames before each of the remaining achievements worked, but only individually, not retroactively.

- During the hell sequence, when you're at -2 and go to -1, the next screen shows the elevator coming from above, instead of coming from below.

- During the ending the line reads "He said were back and that looked different." Obviously, the "you" is missing for the sentence to make sense.

That said, I absolutely loved the game and the many, many references and nods towards other (Horror-)movies. Amazing work!
I liked the characters and overall story and the puzzles felt just right. Not too hard and out of nowhere, but something you can come up with on your own and also makes sense that it might just work the way it does, instead of too fancy and far-fetched solutions.
However, I really wish I could have saved myself some time figuring the solution to be able to talk to Eliza because I never found the 3D glasses until I checked and double-checked all the places again.
Some sort of help feature where Alan is thinking about a hint where to go next would have been great!
Who doesn't want to use it, can ignore it, but for those being stuck for a longer period of time somewhere, it would help a lot.

The only thing I missed is that after obtaining the film and returning to LA, you never get a chance to interact with all the characters there anymore. Either before giving the reel to "Helen" or after the credits, it would have been nice to talk to everybody again, even if it would have been one more line of dialogue. Or better yet, seeing Alan finally getting his Oscar and the people he knows congratulating him.
It almost feels as if certain characters were written out of the script once they fulfilled their purpose, never to be seen and heard frlm again.
And yes, even in a cliche ending, I would have liked to be able to interact with some of them once more - which is actually an accolade of how well they've been written.

I also felt spoken dialogue would have enhanced the experience even more, but it's obvious from a budget standpoint why there's only text. Maybe as a future (paid) DLC if the game sells well enough?
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 18. čvn. 2022 v 7.31
Počet příspěvků: 2