Volcano Princess

Volcano Princess

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Mien 21 Apr, 2023 @ 10:30am
Please shut down the Steam Cloud for Volcano Princess to avoid a savedata bug
The devs is still looking into this bug, and it may cause a break on the savedata, especially for the ones who played DEMO version before.

Please follow the instructions:

1- Uninstall the DEMO version (if any)
2- Turn off the Steam Cloud function
Library => right click Volcano Princess => Properties => General => Cancel the 3rd tick (cloud archive)

Please copy the savedata with physical devices if you need to move to another PC.
(Savedata route: 【SYSTEM DISK】\Users【Your Windows Username】\AppData\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess)

If you already find the savedata is unreadable (keep black screen after loading), please make sure the Steam Cloud is shut down, and delete the savedata to start a new game.

Sorry for any inconvenience it may cause!
Last edited by Mien; 21 Apr, 2023 @ 10:31am