Volcano Princess

Volcano Princess

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why not have english dialog voices?
I see dialog have english words ,but don't have any english voices...
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Most visual novels or anime related games have no voice translations, even very well known ones such as Clannad.

Most games in general for that matter, except mainstream ones that sell really well.

As for why? Money and resources. Most of the audience is East Asian, and even those reading in English are likely to be happy or even prefer the Japanese voice acting instead.

Also helps that in the English world, the norm for foreign media in general is using subtitles while keeping the original language, rather than dubbing.

The machined translated written translation already has some issues, imagine with a broken English dub on top of that.
As tech advances, we'll get more accurate translations AND A.I. voice-acting. You might hate the idea of A.I. being used, but there's no way small devs/publishers can afford to pay voice actors. I'm in the very early stages of a visual novel, and the only way to get it to be voiced is by using a voice-converting tool, to turn my voice into that of the 5 characters...
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