Volcano Princess

Volcano Princess

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Alfon 16 Dec, 2024 @ 2:10pm
What is this game
Ok, I don't fully understand the premise of the game and the reviews aren't clarifying it for me. So, is this a visual novel, or a trainer of sorts? A fantasy daughter simulator? Like a tamagotchi? Is it like being the father of ciri in the witcher 3, do I have to make the right choices so she doesn't commit suicide fighting a storm or something like that? XD

I am a bit confused.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
It's a Princess Maker style sim. There is a short intro where the daughter is young then a time skip and you play the daughter and do activities and raise stats to unlock various endings at the end of your playthrough. Mostly you spend the day walking around choosing what activities to do or who to talk to with daily action points, gameplay is largely VN style, mini-games and a minor optional JRPG style combat activity. Translation is understandable and rough.
Alfon 16 Dec, 2024 @ 2:36pm 
Originally posted by chris.ferrantegerard:
It's a Princess Maker style sim. There is a short intro where the daughter is young then a time skip and you play the daughter and do activities and raise stats to unlock various endings at the end of your playthrough. Mostly you spend the day walking around choosing what activities to do or who to talk to with daily action points, gameplay is largely VN style, mini-games and a minor optional JRPG style combat activity. Translation is understandable and rough.

So it's kind of a... stardew valley game? A relaxed experience where you just do whatever you want ad infinitum? (don't get me wrong, I'd love that)

Maybe this sounds weird, I don't know, but I don't understand what's a princess maker. Can you give a comparison? Thanks and I am very sorry for bothering you with dumb questions. I am very lost.
Last edited by Alfon; 16 Dec, 2024 @ 2:37pm
Originally posted by Alfon:
So it's kind of a... stardew valley game? A relaxed experience where you just do whatever you want ad infinitum? (don't get me wrong, I'd love that)

Maybe this sounds weird, I don't know, but I don't understand what's a princess maker. Can you give a comparison? Thanks and I am very sorry for bothering you with dumb questions. I am very lost.

Princess Maker is a daughter raising game series.

The game doesn't go forever, when your daughter comes of age, your playthrough is completed and you will be able to select a 'profession' ending for your daughter depending on if your daughter has met the requirements (profession endings have multiple tiers) and also have romance ending for highest affection romanced bachelors/bachelorettes.

It's a pretty relaxed experience I'd say. Completing acheivements gives you points which you can use to unlock buffs making later playthroughs easier but even the first playthrough is quite easy imo.
Last edited by chris.ferrantegerard; 16 Dec, 2024 @ 2:54pm
Alfon 16 Dec, 2024 @ 3:05pm 
Originally posted by chris.ferrantegerard:
Originally posted by Alfon:
So it's kind of a... stardew valley game? A relaxed experience where you just do whatever you want ad infinitum? (don't get me wrong, I'd love that)

Maybe this sounds weird, I don't know, but I don't understand what's a princess maker. Can you give a comparison? Thanks and I am very sorry for bothering you with dumb questions. I am very lost.

Princess Maker is a daughter raising game series.

The game doesn't go forever, when your daughter comes of age, your playthrough is completed and you will be able to select a 'profession' ending for your daughter depending on if your daughter has met the requirements (profession endings have multiple tiers) and also have romance ending for highest affection romanced bachelors/bachelorettes.

It's a pretty relaxed experience I'd say. Completing acheivements gives you points which you can use to unlock buffs making later playthroughs easier but even the first playthrough is quite easy imo.

Something about all of this feels very alien to me. I think I'll get it just out of curiosity, it's not that expensive anyway. Thank you.
funewchie 16 Dec, 2024 @ 10:43pm 
That's a tricky question, actually.

It's not exactly a Visual Novel, especially as it has the character walking around. But that is a good comparison.
You could say it's very slightly an RPG, as it does have stats and combat in certain areas.
It's also partly a time management game, as the daughter has limited Stamina each day (activities cost Stamina). Don't worry, it's a relaxed time management, with no real stress to it.

So, the major thing you're doing is training her education stats.
Her stats at the endgame will decide what ending you get, in terms of her career and life. (And FYI, there's a LOT of endings)
Her education is the core mechanic.
In this genre, you're influencing what path she will take when she becomes an adult (which is the end of the game).

The daughter also has relationships, and you can steer her towards certain NPCs, who if the criteria are met will feature in her endings as her partner/spouse/etc.

If you've played Long Live the Queen, you might be somewhat at home here.
Last edited by funewchie; 16 Dec, 2024 @ 10:44pm
Alfon 16 Dec, 2024 @ 11:36pm 
Originally posted by funewchie:
That's a tricky question, actually.

It's not exactly a Visual Novel, especially as it has the character walking around. But that is a good comparison.
You could say it's very slightly an RPG, as it does have stats and combat in certain areas.
It's also partly a time management game, as the daughter has limited Stamina each day (activities cost Stamina). Don't worry, it's a relaxed time management, with no real stress to it.

So, the major thing you're doing is training her education stats.
Her stats at the endgame will decide what ending you get, in terms of her career and life. (And FYI, there's a LOT of endings)
Her education is the core mechanic.
In this genre, you're influencing what path she will take when she becomes an adult (which is the end of the game).

The daughter also has relationships, and you can steer her towards certain NPCs, who if the criteria are met will feature in her endings as her partner/spouse/etc.

If you've played Long Live the Queen, you might be somewhat at home here.
I have no idea what that is. But thank you, those are descriptions which is what I was looking for.
Tsubame ⭐ 23 Dec, 2024 @ 5:26pm 
It is a point and click game with RPG and visual novel/story elements, with plenty of choices to make.

There is no win/lose in the game, you make choices for the daughter, or as the daughter, and these will affect her stats and the story ending.

It is a very relaxing and casual game, if you like story-driven games with great art and music, with many endings and some player action elements, you may like the game, but if you expect a ton of action, you probably will be disappointed.
RuebrixQube 28 Dec, 2024 @ 3:16pm 
Hope you got to try it out. I'm currently in the middle of a playthrough right now and am enjoying it. Some aspects of the game unlock as time progresses, which means you have to decide which particular school of education she's going to learn from and stick with it. (Think like Hogwarts, but for knights instead.)

I'm trying to do a Strength playthrough, but I've already learned I wish I had gone Intellectual simply because I want the ability to devote her to caring for horses. I suppose I'll have to make another playthrough just for this.
Alfon 28 Dec, 2024 @ 4:22pm 
Originally posted by RuebrixQube:
Hope you got to try it out. I'm currently in the middle of a playthrough right now and am enjoying it. Some aspects of the game unlock as time progresses, which means you have to decide which particular school of education she's going to learn from and stick with it. (Think like Hogwarts, but for knights instead.)

I'm trying to do a Strength playthrough, but I've already learned I wish I had gone Intellectual simply because I want the ability to devote her to caring for horses. I suppose I'll have to make another playthrough just for this.
I got to buy it but I am waiting... christmas man. I am playing apollo justice trilogy (second game now), Kena bridge of spirits, No man's sky and Unicorn overlord right now. I am utterly saturated and I REALLY WANT to play this one.

I need to kage bunshin myself :(
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