The Thaumaturge

The Thaumaturge

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Is this Game Woke?
Is it?!
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
It definitely has something you don't like in it. You can now go on with whatever Sleepers do with themselves.
Last edited by robilar5500; 24 Mar @ 8:46pm
No, it´s fairly realistic
Enex 24 Mar @ 11:09pm 
Absolutely. 100%
Yoda 25 Mar @ 1:53am 
Originally posted by Schuetze_Klaus:
Is it?!
No / Yes / Maybe / Who cares?
treahnurb 25 Mar @ 2:06am 
Originally posted by Schuetze_Klaus:
Is it?!
It has female characters, be careful.
Ulfsark 25 Mar @ 4:37am 
Slightly. The parts that are however, are quite jarring.
Wilhelm 26 Mar @ 7:50am 
Originally posted by treahnurb:
Originally posted by Schuetze_Klaus:
Is it?!
It has female characters, be careful.

this guy here still doesn´t know what woke means.
it could have all characters 100% be female and poc and that wouldn´t make it woke on its own. it could handle emancipation, marxism, trans rights or basically any social topic and it wouldn´t be woke on its own.

i know its a delicate / subtle topic but please educate yourself.
Last edited by Wilhelm; 26 Mar @ 7:51am
Master_Skywalker 26 Mar @ 10:10am 
I also would like confirmation of that as it looks like a good game.
I'm just waiting for someone to say: "dEfInE wOkE"
treahnurb 26 Mar @ 11:14am 
It is. It's super woke. The absolute definition of woke. 200% woke. Please don't buy and better leave this hub forever before it can hurt you.
Yoda 26 Mar @ 4:50pm 
Ask the guy below you.
There's a bit of pro-socialist bias(then again at the time "socialism" was barely defined and LITERALLY never tried) and in a few places it feels like its trying to do some "wahman power" ♥♥♥♥ but it is subtle about it i guess - the female characters that do that kind of stuff act annoying and entitled because they aren't good people(nobody in the setting is).
What i was more annoyed by were references to the book Lalka, which although flavor text, are doing some kind of revisionism about Wokulski being a creep and Łęcka totally not being a hoe... but that's ♥♥♥♥ only poles will care about.
There's a lot of relations with different cultures and religions and though i feel like sometimes the words used aren't punchy enough(nobody would use "romani" to refer to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around that time), it is usually accurate. You can sometimes play a bigot too - especially with high Pride stat lol
Generally, it isn't woke but has a few things that i feel were inserted out of some kind of obligation to be accepted by the big boys in the game development world.
My main gripes with the game would be about different things than "wokeness" so if that's the only thing you are wary of then go ahead and try it out
cANe 27 Mar @ 2:22am 
It's not too bad but some parts of it definitively is woke and sadly it brings you out of the setting immediately.
Originally posted by cANe:
It's not too bad but some parts of it definitively is woke and sadly it brings you out of the setting immediately.

What parts are woke?
Snowman29 1 Apr @ 4:04am 
No one knows what woke means anymore. So who cares.
👾 3 Apr @ 12:42am 
Wokies are so incredibly tolerant that they can't even deal with someone asking if a game is woke, and can't resist trying to tell the other person that they are an ist/phobe and they should not care about it. They also pretend to not know what woke means, while they are supposedly "aware of social issues".

There is a message right after you launch the game which tells you that the writers have "gender identities", so that's not a great sign.
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