Juice Galaxy

Juice Galaxy

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Fishlicka  [developer] 22 Nov, 2023 @ 3:50am
This is a thread for general suggestions for the game!

Let me know if you have any sweet juicy ideas for new items, mechanics, monsters, tweaking existing things, etc.

Note that this is not a place for random or hyper specific ideas, i.e.
  • Put me in the game! ^(>.0)^
  • Make a half-train, half-goblin named Petey who whips you with spaghetti while quoting sitcoms
Though more general ideas are perfectly valid:
  • Ocean biome!
  • Make a boss for the snow biome
  • Make the pizza throwable like a boomerang
  • A spell that converts corpses to juice
  • A boss that eats you and you fight inside
  • Increase Pollywogs' health
  • Make guns cost ammo

Of course, it's no big deal if you break these guidelines. They are just guidelines.

One of the best suggestions I ever got was the grappling plunger :)
Last edited by Fishlicka; 22 Nov, 2023 @ 4:39am
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Showing 1-15 of 156 comments
Disappointment 22 Nov, 2023 @ 6:48am 
I've offered more than enough gameplay suggestions for now, so I'll throw in some achievement ideas.

  • Vigilant Vampirism - Drink # Frolgs
  • Class Corpse - Get beamed to death by Mrs. Slithers
  • Peer Review - Confirm whether or not the sky is made of plywood
  • Signy's Sick Stunts - Get a trick score of # or higher
  • Road Rage - Defeat a boss using Signy's Sweet Ride
  • A journey of a thousand miles... - Defeat Toeny
adamjarm 22 Nov, 2023 @ 7:30am 
Originally posted by Disappointment:
I've offered more than enough gameplay suggestions for now, so I'll throw in some achievement ideas.

  • Vigilant Vampirism - Drink # Frolgs
  • Class Corpse - Get beamed to death by Mrs. Slithers
  • Peer Review - Confirm whether or not the sky is made of plywood
  • Signy's Sick Stunts - Get a trick score of # or higher
  • Road Rage - Defeat a boss using Signy's Sweet Ride
  • A journey of a thousand miles... - Defeat Toeny
the sky is "definetly not!" made of ply wood
also add meteor achevement for SLAAAMING at an enemy at high velocity with a high mass hat like the polywoog hat
adamjarm 22 Nov, 2023 @ 7:39am 
add a silly houses around the shoopkeep to make the world more full
make the fountaind planetoid moon orbit the schools planetoid to make players confuzed

add more sound options like minecraft

make a more powerfull version of lightning grimore somewhere like an easter egg

add clouds (i am not copying ksp guys)

add wheather like fog in the frogl biome if a powerfull frogl is near

make an option to mute npc's (its fine ill mod the game myself somehow)

add floating beings, that can just float with no help of flying mechanics

add more trees/flora and fauna, I BEG YOU

plus give ms slitters more chalk for the board you capitalist !
Meme_Believer 22 Nov, 2023 @ 12:33pm 
A giant flying enemy you can stand on that spawns smaller flying enemies would be pretty cool
ricepuppy 22 Nov, 2023 @ 1:17pm 
i got an idea so this will be a new map and i call it "the cave" it will have a new boss called "king bat" he trapped the vampire and you must save him! one of the items you get from defeating the king bat is wings that let you fly longer and this place is entered by going past the pollywog statue and heres some new weapon ideas juice shotgun this will shoot juice bullets uses about 10 energy its damage is up to you also an idea for the special juices aka the juice item thingies once you defeat the wawsp queen from the juicesmith you give him the wawsp queens head and he goes "POW!" with the hammer and honey comes out and then he drinks the honey and then his hand gets better after that he pulls out a glowing anvil and then you can give him the special juices to upgrade weapons like if you use the arc juice and upgrade it to a sword the sword will do arc attacks like the arc fork
ricepuppy 22 Nov, 2023 @ 1:17pm 
oh by the way its me the spongebob guy
Justin Dalebout 22 Nov, 2023 @ 2:39pm 
Splitscreen couch co-op, meaning you can play JG with a friend in the same room!
Mr. Blue 22 Nov, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
Well, i would like it if the grapple plunger had an option to toggle hold. So you didn't have to hold down the fire button.
yeahnah 22 Nov, 2023 @ 3:45pm 
Can we get an invert mouse setting in the contols please?
CodyTnT 22 Nov, 2023 @ 6:20pm 
1. The juicer (friendly NPC)
with some sort of interaction with him with a weapon infused with those special juices the Juicer will remove the special juice from your weapon into your inventory if there is no space in your inventory it will just spawn the special juices out in the open

Another possible use for this guy is to give him 1,000 juice for 1 special juice

2. Topple Ganger (hostile NPC)
Its model is the player model but the body proportions are randomized. The Topple Ganger has a random hat, weapon, and secondary weapon. On death the Topple Ganger will drop all it item and like 1-3 special juice

3. The Throngler (hostile NPC)
The Throngler will propel itself toward the play very fast to deal damage

4. Rock Flower (hostile NCP)
The Rock Flower will stand still but it can't be hit by ranged weapons

5. Sticky Weights (weapon)
The Sticky Weight is a ranged weapon that shoots weights that stick to hostile NPCs and lowers their speed based on how many weights there are on the NPC, they despawn after # time.
CodyTnT 22 Nov, 2023 @ 7:25pm 
6. Juice Blob (Boss)
the more damage it takes the smaller and faster it gets

7. King Pollywog (mini-boss)
Pollywog with a crown, stomps the ground to create shockwaves, shoots exploding red pollywogs at players off the ground
CodyTnT 22 Nov, 2023 @ 7:43pm 
8. Pollywog crow (hat)
When worn makes all Pollywogs not attack you

9. necromancy tomb (weapon)
Like the pet rock tom it summons (depending on the randomized stats) 1-3 skeletons, 300-1,000 skelton damage, and 700-2,000 skeleton health

10. Dirt pile (world NPC such as trees and rocks)
when destroyed it drops 1-# of the following Hostile NPC, weapon, or special Juice

11. make it so pet rocks don't attack normal rocks

12. Juicer Wog the Brutal (Boss)
A malformed Pollywog
2 phases 1 grounded the other flying

13. The mercenary (friendly NPC)
Pay them # amount of Juice for them to follow you around and attack hostile NPCs

14. The hunter (Hostile NPC)
A beast that hunts other creatures
Disappointment 22 Nov, 2023 @ 10:28pm 
The "Latched onto your Scalp" achievement should be an achievement added by the DLC itself so that the DLC isn't required to get 100%.
FunkyMans 22 Nov, 2023 @ 10:35pm 
Expanding upon both the Creator and Wawsp cave paths would be nice as they're both barebones. They could possibly act like mini dungeons with branching paths and loot or smth idk
FATT 23 Nov, 2023 @ 1:03am 
-Quests should be to DEFEAT enemies in the dungeons/caves rather than just find it, as if you die its really hard to find the entrances again.

-The Juice Bank, a Bank to store items

-Giant Enemy Crab, because crab
Last edited by FATT; 23 Nov, 2023 @ 1:03am
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