Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX

Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX

You might lose all you game progress
If energy turns out during the game, might not load your game files, they will be corrupted. Its a bug, always make backup of your save files. I have 99hrs of game, and I can't load my save files. This happend when energy drop down ocurred. I am very sad about this
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I’m sorry it happened to you :(
This is not a bug with "Monster Rancher". it can happen to any game that is writing data to file during a power fluctuation/outage.

Some things to try:
1. Try seeing if "AUTO" save will load. If it does, you should at least be able to resume from that save point.
2. Check your Steam BackUp folder in your Documents\KeoiTecmo folder and try copy/pasting them into the main save file directory and see if the saves will load.

Preventative Maintenance:
- I’ve posted PowerShell (Windows) and Bash (Linux) scripts for automated backups on for this very reason. You can set these scripts up to automatically run at any specified time increment, or just double click to run it to back it up.
- If you're using Advanced Viewer for MR2 already, there's a manual button to make backups on demand (not automated but still easy and doesn't require the scripts).

I’ve personally never experienced a save/data corruption, with 1,500 hours in game and countless save-scum resets, but the backup scripts and AV feature were made in response to hearing others experience it. Hopefully one of the above options works to recover your progress though.
Last edited by monsterfenrick; 30 Jan @ 7:11am
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