ASTLIBRA ~生きた証~ Revision

ASTLIBRA ~生きた証~ Revision

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When does the story get good?
I'm in the goblin cave in Chapter 2 right now. Saw people saying this game has a really crazy story but so far it's not really doing anything for me. Also the backtracking is starting to drive me a bit insane so I want to know if it's worth another 2 hours of hitting the same enemies on the same screens
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Nyu 5 Jan @ 4:39pm 
in my and other peoples opinion yes.
when will you like it? cannot say it.
maybe just refund it if you dont vibe with it.

i played it for the gameplay and enjoyed the story and humour.
Chapter 2 with Polin is kind of filler episode since it doesn't progress the main plot of finding your hometown/childhood friend and is ultimately only a bit of foreshadowing for much later, but Chapter 3 onward does have a lead, and from there fleshes out the time travel aspect and side characters to start snowballing the rising action with each chapter.
derw4tz 6 Jan @ 8:13am 
like in some anime it starts out tame but then keeps escalating, the main story will take roughly 40-50 hours so you are in the tame area
are you switching out your weapons to get new abilities? that makes the backtracking less painfull since you at least level your weapons
as nyu said if you do not enjoy the combat this will be hard since there is a lot of it during the course of the game
If you don't like it because of it's additive and satisfying gameplay, then don't bother playing it for the story.
Carfal 9 Jan @ 6:14pm 
I think for me personally it started getting SUPER enjoyable at chapter 4'ish.
I almost quit the game out of frustration in chapter 3 because of how unfair the boss felt but once I got past that hurdle I loved every second of it.
Freezer 13 Jan @ 3:28pm 
Originally posted by goodbye_bonito:
If you don't like it because of it's additive and satisfying gameplay, then don't bother playing it for the story.

I agree with this. I personally did find the story good and engaging, but not even close to the main draw of the game
When you press Play.
derw4tz 14 Jan @ 9:04am 
Originally posted by C H A I R M A N:
When you press Play.
nah the first chapters are pretty tame and pretty generic outside a bit of foreshadowing
but a bit later it gets soo good and stays like that for the rest of the game
Thanks for all the responses. I haven't touched the game since this but I'll probably pick it back up eventually. Seems like I dropped out right before it starts to get good.

Oh and I do like the gameplay a lot. I just personally prefer to have a good story in the games I play, otherwise I tend to burn out a bit.
derw4tz 31 Jan @ 10:00am 
Originally posted by sweet lemonade:
Thanks for all the responses. I haven't touched the game since this but I'll probably pick it back up eventually. Seems like I dropped out right before it starts to get good.

Oh and I do like the gameplay a lot. I just personally prefer to have a good story in the games I play, otherwise I tend to burn out a bit.

i am not a big story guy and i loved astlibra a lot, highly recommend picking it back up
stret 10 Feb @ 7:12pm 
id say the story gets more consistently good during chapter 5 onwards. Chapter 4 will be a gigantic low to a lot of people
Originally posted by VertVentus:
Chapter 2 with Polin is kind of filler episode since it doesn't progress the main plot of finding your hometown/childhood friend and is ultimately only a bit of foreshadowing for much later, but Chapter 3 onward does have a lead, and from there fleshes out the time travel aspect and side characters to start snowballing the rising action with each chapter.
this kinda
same 12 Feb @ 4:34am 
gets good from minute 1 imo
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