ASTLIBRA ~生きた証~ Revision

ASTLIBRA ~生きた証~ Revision

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If I use an Earth element weapon with Sylph against an earth element enemy, what happens?
Does the air element conferring skill Sylph overwrite the weapon's earth element? No? Is it a mix of both?

I'm fighting the final boss of act 2 on Impossible (Petrification is scary!), and using the earth element staff that shoots a bunch of short range rocks in a fan shape above you. It's the perfect weapon for a big boss like this. But both the weapon and boss are earth element. I thought I'd use Sylph too to counteract it, but I'm not sure if it works?

In this case, does the enemy take greater damage, normal damage, or reduced damage?
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Nyu 9 Jan @ 7:32am 
sylph is still wind and earthstaff is still earth.
MESeele 9 Jan @ 7:41am 
Ah, I glossed over the skill... I reread it, and it didn't do what I thought it did. My mistake. So the earth staff is just a no go for the boss.

edit: I tried the Dagger + Sylph + the green tiger special. Damn that worked well. I didn't realize elemental affinities made such a huge difference!
Last edited by MESeele; 9 Jan @ 7:49am
Originally posted by MESeele:
Ah, I glossed over the skill... I reread it, and it didn't do what I thought it did. My mistake. So the earth staff is just a no go for the boss.

edit: I tried the Dagger + Sylph + the green tiger special. Damn that worked well. I didn't realize elemental affinities made such a huge difference!
I think I made the same mistake my first go around too.
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