ASTLIBRA ~生きた証~ Revision

ASTLIBRA ~生きた証~ Revision

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How to use Small metals in Gaiden?
I have 22 of them and reached tier 4 but nowhere does it explain where or how to use them.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Nyu 25 Jan @ 7:29pm 
the special shopkeeper (flying house on stages). he has a gachamachine in the middle of his shop stand infront of it and use the medals from your inventory.
Originally posted by Nyu:
the special shopkeeper (flying house on stages). he has a gachamachine in the middle of his shop stand infront of it and use the medals from your inventory.
Not the main game. Gaiden.
Nyu 25 Jan @ 7:34pm 
oh sorry totally missed that big word.
give them to meloo or what the name was meeloo
gatsu86 25 Jan @ 11:21pm 
Talk to Melo when you have enough Metals, She gives rewards for every two delivered, if I remember correctly.
Originally posted by gatsu86:
Talk to Melo when you have enough Metals, She gives rewards for every two delivered, if I remember correctly.
This. Tho be careful she can bug out if you turn in too many medals and skip giving you rewards if you collect too many. I had that happen once.
gatsu86 27 Jan @ 11:48pm 
Originally posted by Rising Gale:
This. Tho be careful she can bug out if you turn in too many medals and skip giving you rewards if you collect too many. I had that happen once.

I had no idea, I delivered 10 the first time and didn't notice any anomalies.. then I continued with two at a time.
Good to know, thanks. :)
Originally posted by gatsu86:
Originally posted by Rising Gale:
This. Tho be careful she can bug out if you turn in too many medals and skip giving you rewards if you collect too many. I had that happen once.

I had no idea, I delivered 10 the first time and didn't notice any anomalies.. then I continued with two at a time.
Good to know, thanks. :)
I farmed so many the game got confused and thought i collected them all and skipped to her completion dialogue missed all the rewards lol. I had to use a trainer i found to lower the amount in my inventory somehow that fixed it not sure wth happened there and it only happened 1 of my 4 gaiden runs it must be rare.
Last edited by Rising Gale; 28 Jan @ 3:52pm
EBz432 17 Feb @ 11:46am 
How many need to talk to Melo

Originally posted by gatsu86:
Talk to Melo when you have enough Metals, She gives rewards for every two delivered, if I remember correctly.
gatsu86 20 Feb @ 3:34pm 
Originally posted by EBz432:
How many need to talk to Melo

Originally posted by gatsu86:
Talk to Melo when you have enough Metals, She gives rewards for every two delivered, if I remember correctly.

I don't seem to remember there being a specific number of Small metals to talk to Melo, I would recommend going to her as soon as you have two (or few more).
If you talk to Melo again when you first meet her she should already tell you to show her the metals or when you have at least one.. at least I think so.

The important thing is not to accumulate too many to give her to avoid problems. As I wrote above in the other comment, I delivered them every two Small metals.
Last edited by gatsu86; 20 Feb @ 3:40pm
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