ASTLIBRA ~生きた証~ Revision

ASTLIBRA ~生きた証~ Revision

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Is this appropriate to give to my 8 year old nephew?
He hasn't played many games.
Is there an easy difficulty and is it age appropriate?
Originally posted by Nyu:
its rated 16 for the content. gameplaywise no problem, but text and visuels not.
alot of other games to play at that age.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
hydr0xy1 27 Jan @ 10:37am 
A few sexual, and several gore expressions included. IARC rating is 16+ (gore).
If you play yourself first and find yourself it is ok to your nephew, I think its ok though.
Pierson 27 Jan @ 10:45am 
There is an easy difficulty so the gameplay would likely be simple enough for an eight year old. There are a lot of sexual jokes towards/involving the female cast and the storyline can get quite dark at times such as various scenes of human sacrifice, dying people including young children, and body-horror.
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Nyu 27 Jan @ 10:52am 
its rated 16 for the content. gameplaywise no problem, but text and visuels not.
alot of other games to play at that age.
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