ASTLIBRA ~生きた証~ Revision

ASTLIBRA ~生きた証~ Revision

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Any other games like this?
Just finished the post-script and wow what a game this was. Even though sometimes it drove me unbelievably insane it really felt like a small team with a vision that nobody else was making.

Is there anything else out there like this? I don't mean "metroidvania/side-scroller with JRPG elements" although this one certainly was fun, I mean projects made by small devs with a crazy vision who want to make something not mainstream and who mainly manage to pull it off?
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Nyu 27 Jan @ 11:03am 
Elona on the internet
or Elin on steam as "prequel" in early access right now.

if you are fine with old console games, game called Terranigma felt similar fresh back then, and never got a US release so alot of people dont know it. its for the super nintendo or famicon.

Cruelty Squad if you are find with Fps games here on steam.

Azure Dreams for playstation 1 (not the other version) but its not small developer, just very fresh air and unique overall feeling.

Rainworld is probally very mainstream, but its totally unique from physics and gameplay to story.

Starsector, a unique spacesim topdown game with working marketing in the world and tactical combat, need to google it to get it from a oldschool looking shop. plus has giant modlibary.

if you like stalker like games, obenseuer on steam right now. its a lifesim about living in a qurantine zone that have a fungus infection, living their lifes and trying to just make a living eating ratmeat and getting drunk. (grindy)

one of my favourites but maybe not what you search for, Kenshi. game about not being special and living in a racist conflictbased wasteland where everything can kill you at the start, but what doesnt kill you make you stronger
you can become a slave, slaver, a crusader outlaw a farmer or even onepunchman. rewarding the grind.

Vigil: the longest night on steam is a game that has a cool story, similar visuelsbase, but more grim and differently crazy story. its a metroidvania rpg which grew to be one of my favourites.
Originally posted by Pierson:
projects made by small devs with a crazy vision who want to make something not mainstream and who mainly manage to pull it off?
Sums up Ys in a nutshell.
gatsu86 27 Jan @ 11:44pm 
I suggest Chained Echoes, it's a jrpg created by a small team, or one person if I remember correctly. There are no levels but you unlock powers, magic and more by doing quests, defeating bosses, etc. Plus there's a part of the game where we can use robots in combat.
A dlc with additional content is also coming out soon.

I don't know if it's a genre you like or not, anyway it also has an excellent price/content ratio in my opinion.
I'd actually argue against Chained Echoes - it felt like a very by-the-numbers RPG in my experience which lifted a lot of its best moments from older RPGs (Chrono Trigger, in particular).

Sea of Stars was an RPG experience I definitely enjoyed more than Chained Echoes, with many unique aspects to it that helped it to stand out. It ties in to its sequel/prequel The Messenger, which is a great platformer that looks antiquated at first but then really opens up (several times) via plot twists and the like. They're both great.

Phoenotopia: Awakening is another great platformer/RPG/metroidvania hybrid which is born out of a small team with a unique vision for their game. The controls will take some getting used to, but its worth your time.

Another title from the guy who made ASTLIBRA - MAGICUS - is available on DLSite and it blew me away with its sheer size and scope. The story is a slow burn, like ASTLIBRA, but well worth it. Some of the characters from that game make a cameo in ASTLIBRA, so they sort of tie together in a very loose way.
Last edited by Sir Pencil; 29 Jan @ 6:56am
gatsu86 29 Jan @ 9:23am 
Originally posted by Sir Pencil:
I'd actually argue against Chained Echoes - it felt like a very by-the-numbers RPG in my experience which lifted a lot of its best moments from older RPGs (Chrono Trigger, in particular).

First, even if it was inspired by the classics it wouldn't be a negative side.
Second, in my opinion, Chained Echoes is quite innovative as a jrpg, between gameplay and game mechanics.

Other than that I don't mean to judge what you like or dislike, I just wanted to comment on the first part of your post.. but maybe I misunderstood the meaning.
Last edited by gatsu86; 29 Jan @ 9:28am
Nyu 29 Jan @ 10:01am 
if you want an innovative jrpg, stay away from chainned echoes, is not bad but not special

Crystal Project is something you should play instead.

and after reading Phoenotopia Awakening, i feel bad i forgot to mention it.
Originally posted by Nyu:
if you want an innovative jrpg, stay away from chainned echoes, is not bad but not special

Crystal Project is something you should play instead.

and after reading Phoenotopia Awakening, i feel bad i forgot to mention it.
Crystal Project is pretty barebones and boring.
Originally posted by Sir Pencil:
Another title from the guy who made ASTLIBRA - MAGICUS - is available on DLSite and it blew me away with its sheer size and scope. The story is a slow burn, like ASTLIBRA, but well worth it.

I'll second this. It's a match-3 android mobile game (also for PC), but If you've played Astlibra, you can definitely tell it's a KEIZO game from the story, the seemingly simply game mechanics that get extra layers of depth as you progress (there are even boards here too), the music (not as great as the music selection for Astlibra but not bad, also the Hatsune Miku tune blasting during the true final boss fight was pretty rad), and the arena (man that last battle was a kick in the pants). It took me 50h to get the true end on normal and 53h on hell (the only two difficulties).
Originally posted by Flemmish_Giant:
Originally posted by Sir Pencil:
Another title from the guy who made ASTLIBRA - MAGICUS - is available on DLSite and it blew me away with its sheer size and scope. The story is a slow burn, like ASTLIBRA, but well worth it.

I'll second this. It's a match-3 android mobile game (also for PC), but If you've played Astlibra, you can definitely tell it's a KEIZO game from the story, the seemingly simply game mechanics that get extra layers of depth as you progress (there are even boards here too), the music (not as great as the music selection for Astlibra but not bad, also the Hatsune Miku tune blasting during the true final boss fight was pretty rad), and the arena (man that last battle was a kick in the pants). It took me 50h to get the true end on normal and 53h on hell (the only two difficulties).

I also recommend Magicus hands down. It's one the best mobile games ever. Only needs some proof-reading fixes for the machine translation and maybe an optional soundtrack menu like in Astibra Revision that slowly unlocks the music while progressing.

Another game with similar gameplay is Xanadu Next. It's a Diablo-like Metroidvania.
Last edited by omegaweaponh; 6 Feb @ 8:14am
Hero 13 Feb @ 2:02pm 
Try Drova. Story and gameplay was quite pleasant
stret 15 Feb @ 2:30pm 
devs with a crazy vision who want to make something not mainstream and who mainly manage to pull it off?
Intravenous' entire gameplay, content, levels, lighting, ETC was made by a single guy, who just hired some people for spritework and soundtrack. IMO he made something better than nearly everything in traditional stealth games

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum, pretty much entirely by one developer, is currently unfinished but pretty fleshed out with its main campaign, several side mission lines, secrets, alternate routes, etc. Its systems and playstyles are very vast and impressive
Wicked 10 Mar @ 3:52am 
Chained Echoes is great but is nothing like Astlibra.
xHans 10 Mar @ 11:22am 
chrono trigger for time travel story, Y's for the action and good story.
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