Poppy Playtime

Poppy Playtime

Yarnaby is Broken
Yarnaby kills me through walls and the place that it spawns me every time I die is directly next to him so he immediately sees me and I cant progress the game. Everyone ive seen make videos online doesn't have this problem I just want to be able to play the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
fr i also cant get passed him
P3RUL0 30 Jan @ 3:24pm 
Yarnaby legit didn't think I was good enough to show up, got past it easily without him.
yep! every time I find a hiding spot it's basically like I'm not even hidden

def gotta get patched asap
Yep, I can't progress. He's killed me like ten times in a row because he instantly detects me.
GigaByte 30 Jan @ 5:05pm 
If I immediately press the button twice to open the door and run to the closest hiding spot i can get to the plant part. But I've been running in the same problem as you do.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 1:37pm
Posts: 8