Poppy Playtime

Poppy Playtime

No Mans Land Hiding Spots Broken
At the start of the level, Turning on the power and hitting the button are all fine, When picking up the card to open the door, Yarnaby spawns in the power room, Not sure if that was intended or not. The next part is that he is able to still kill you when you are in the hiding places. He's done this to be at least four separate times. If you're also having this issue please comment.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
yeah im having the same problem
yarnaby didnt even spawn in gameplay
smiTe 30 Jan @ 3:10pm 
1 spot is like always safe. the spot in the hand room right bottom
sevenUP 30 Jan @ 3:45pm 
Yeah, people are getting all kinds of bugs. Lion is annoying, people either get him and hes really hard to beat, or people get lucky and he never appears.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 3:02pm
Posts: 4