Poppy Playtime

Poppy Playtime

Game is hella buggy and chapter feels uninspired
Sound issues, light issues, Yarnboy not spawning during his bossfight, standing up in vents, wooden planks ripped off vents to then only block access through it, forcing reloads...
I get it's day 1 so this will be patched. But it is too bad they can't patch the direction the story went into.
It feels very uncreative compared to the other episodes. Whereas the other episodes (other than 1, really) felt like you had several baddies trying to get you, it now turned into a generic 'Bad evil doctor' trobe and 'Secret underground labratory with failed expirements' akin to many games that came before it.
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While there is other games likes this, this game is by far the greatest out of all of them I've played. The way I see it, original ideas matter little, what matters is what they do with that idea.
I just played the chapter aswell. One issue I had is that whenever Doey (i think that's his name) showed up, my game started running at 10fps. Whenever I tried to change my graphics to low, it just crashed my game. Pretty weird...
I swear, they should also have console support aswell.
Originally posted by that1guy:
While there is other games likes this, this game is by far the greatest out of all of them I've played. The way I see it, original ideas matter little, what matters is what they do with that idea.

Sure, but particularly this chapter felt off. Like it had strayed away too much from the original premise.
To each their own, I suppose. Just wish it would have contained itself in the more Factory/Orphanage setting instead of underground secret lab.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 3:32pm
Posts: 4