Poppy Playtime

Poppy Playtime

Game keeps crashing
My game keeps crashing at the red smoke breaking the glass window part, is there anything I can do on my side to help the issue or is that just a game bug that is unable to be fixed from my side of things? My settings are on the lowest difficulty possible to run better but to no avail. Anyone else having this issue or just me?
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
Jobilord 30 Jan @ 7:40pm 
Dude, I have the same problem, I can't get past this part without the game freezing or crashing, I'll try to fix it, if I can, I'll try to help you :torielsad:
Me too, i have the same problem as you. it's unplayable for me.
ive never played a game that crashed so much poor testing if you ask me
Originally posted by SuperSaltyPeanut:
ive never played a game that crashed so much poor testing if you ask me

Nahughty03 31 Jan @ 10:12am 
i have the same problem, the game freeze and crash
Same. I tried many times.
i am glad i am not the only one experiencing crashing at this part at first i thought it was my bad computer but it must be an error on the games part
i was searching online and found a solution to get passed it without it crashing, after pressing the red button leave the room fast and close the door. After that, stare at the wall oppisite from the door and listen to the audio, once it sounds like the exploision finished completely, open the door and walk backwards too the window, after doing all of this you should be able to progress. hope this helped.
meaa 1 Feb @ 1:02pm 
sameee. it was crashing at the beggining of the red smoke. i tried a few things i saw online but none worked; tried starting a new game - worked at first, but then the screen froze and when i re-opened the game i got a fatal error again. as a last resort i uninstalled the game then installed again, and guess what - FATAL ERROR. how long till a fix?
I am having the same exact issue. The game freezes as soon as the glass breaks after hitting the red button
Same issue here with the crashing.
This is a confirmed solution that I found in reddit, when you press the red button, go out of the room, close the door, and look foward. (away from the door) When the explosion is over, go through the window and all should be fine. P.S. you might have to walk backwards while going through the window, but idk.
We are having the same problem, is this going to get fixed?
look to the other side of the red smokem this should fix, just don't look at the window or at the gas
Even when I'm not looking a the gas it crashed, i tried looking down and walking backwards and it still crashed.
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