Poppy Playtime

Poppy Playtime

Falmo 30 Jan @ 6:48pm
Yarnaby bug ?!
uh, sorry but there's a problem with Yarnaby, he catches me while I'm at the other end of the room hiding in the hiding place. I am willing that there is difficulty but this is just unplayable, there is no logic. I tried everything, go running, not running, crouching, but he still catches me, even when he didn't see me!
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Pegustho 30 Jan @ 7:10pm 
Same with me, Yarnaby just seams to have the highest IQ for all the experiments, lol
But seriously, he's IA just see through every wall that I try to hide and don't matter where he always finds me, even if I get quiet coughing or just running from him, it's just so unplayable
And what is most frustrating is that you always have to restart from the beggining of the chase
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 6:48pm
Posts: 2