Poppy Playtime

Poppy Playtime

A SPOILER FREE guide of chapter 4
First and foremost, if you'r PC struggled with Chapter 2, it will definitely struggle on chapter 4. Chapter 3 is easily the best optimised. Notably the exit from Safe Haven causes a massive framerate drop.

The game is definitely longer than Chapter 3, it took me about an hour or two extra from my chapter three, and I predict average playtime will be 6 hours.

I can confirm there are no more green hand puzzles. Instead it's mostly battery puzzles, keycards (blugh), and levers. You use the purple hand a grand total of 4 times, which sucks because I liked that mechanic. They also introduce a new "Hook" mechanic where you can use hanging hooks to pull things. The BIG Mechanic to watch out for is the abiliity to USE THE GRABPAK TO BREAK BARS AND BOARDS (this is relevant for several puzzles and chases)

Furthermore, we have a new "save and load" system. It does suck that there's no "Section Select" when you beat the game like in previous chapters, but the ability to load back saved me from a softlock

This is also where you are introduced to the new "Mini plushes" mechanic from Chapter 3. Instead of being an instant kill like in Chapter 3, they jump at you in a predictable arc and do 1/3 damage. Just use the flare gun

SECTIONS AND TIPS FOR THEM (in case you get stuck):

INTRO: Poppy goes back for kissy, you do some basic platforming, and traverse the toy graveyard from the trailer. There are 5 notes to find from Riley. There is also a short sequence where you fight mini plushes (and a gitch sent me into the ceiling). Use the flare gun

PRISON: More puzzles, you get the red hand here like in the trailer, there is a "fend for your life" section against he minis. USE THE FLARE FUN. There is also a section where the Doctor dumps red smoke on you while the crawlspace you entered through collapses. To deal with this section, break open two yellow bars on the floor grate with your grabpak and jump down.

CONTAINMENT: First encounter with Yarnaby, fairly easy as there really only is 1 hallway he can get you. This doubles as Doey's introduction

SAFE HAVEN: The story focused section. I won't go into details to avoid spoilers.

NO MAN's LAND: Long puzzle sequence ending with a stealth encounter with Yarnaby. You're suppose to hide from him while starting the generators, but I and several people had this bug out and not spawn Yarnaby. If he does spawn you're intended to use various squeeze cubicles to hide. Power the doors to the generator room. Activate the console on the lowest level first. Find the other 3 consoles and power them. Have escape routes ready in case Yarnaby charges you while charging. Ends in a chase sequence

SURGERY ROOMS: More puzzles. Section starts by introduction the freeze gas mechanic. There will be a section where your blue hand gets frozen to a pad while the room fills with the gas. Open the morgue doors to find a battery. Take the battery to a saw, power it, pull it to cut free a 2nd blue hand. Grab the 2nd blue hand and use it on the console next to your frozen one to end the trap.

RED SMOKE MAZE: You get a gas mask for this section. They changed it so now you need to restock on filters from dispensers. Each filter restores 40 seconds of gas make time. You can't take off the gas mask. Your goal is to find 5 broken toys in the red smoke maze. Short audio clips will play when you get near them so follow the voices of people speaking. Interact with "E" to record their experiment numbers, then go back to the keypad to punch in the sequence based on what limbs were separated from them. A chart on a nearby wall will help you with the order.

SHEEP ENCOUNTER: One of the only purple hand puzzle sequences. At the end of it the Doctor will disable your right Grabpak arm and you'll be dropped into a maze where a giant sheep plush hunts you. Plush hits you with a slowdown effect. Get hit 3 times you die. Trick is to keep running until you stop hearing the bah sound. Wait in a corner for the slowdown effect to wear off.

To escape you have to power all four wall slots with batteries. The big cages have batteries inside. The Big cages will have coloured bars at their bottom that open when powered. You start with one wall slot filled and can redirect the charge. Open slots, grab batteries, shove them in the wall sockets. Once all four are filled, there will be two doors. One will require just two charges, the other will require 2 charges and a keycard. Open the cardless door first, it has the keycard inside, then charge the other door and use the keycard.

At the end of this section there will be the illusion of a moral choice the doctor will give you. Fastest way to escape his cringey trap is to look up and find the swing point, Grab pak your way up. Once at the very top level, there will be a grate you can open and skip the moral choice BS.

DOCTOR's HEADQUARTERS: Doctor's bossfight is a maze. Power 4 consoles with batteries to escape. Like the sheep fight each console opens a section of maze. The robots dotting the place will light up. If their eyes are yellow they haven't seen you so get out of their sight. If there eyes turn red, run. To be honest his robot minions are way slower then you, and are very easy to dodge around. I cheesed this section by running like a madman until I found all of the batteries.

Once done you take the stairs and press a button to kill him. His robots will activate for a second but it's very briefly and you won't need to run. Just step out of the way.

Also note when leaving the fight, take the cable car right away. If you follow the sheet metal tunnel you'll end up back in the Red Smoke maze and get SOFTLOCKED.

SAFE HAVEN: Fairly easy and story heavy. There is a short section where ollie tells you what to do to restart the generator.

FOUNDATION: You go back to the No Man's land, but this time take a right to where you first found the barry cart to take and elevator down. This section occurs in 5 easy steps

1. Use the purple pad card to get up to the VCR room to find some dynamite.
2. Walk to the end of the stone tunnel and do a short cave maze. More mini critters will attack so use the flare gun. Also use the flare gun on the Ice canister to grab the last dynamite. There should be 4 dynamites in total
3. Place the dynamites on the foundation. (4 spots)
4. Start the gas flow from the keyboard. Do the gas puzzle. Get gas into the A B AND C chambers, order doesn't matter.
5. Use the override with your new red hand. Turn around behind you to find a gear in a locker. Grab it with 1 hand. Facing the keyboard go right to the end of the catwalk and look up to see another hook to pull yourself up. Slot the gear in, escape up the elevator

FINAL CHASE AND BOSS SEQUENCE: This is the last section of the game. Not this is when I started experiencing MAJOR framerate drops, so set graphics to low for this section

There will be a chase sequence then a boss fight. To beat the boss, drag Ice canisters from spawners so that they are beneath giant sawblades. When the boss walks over the canister, break it with the flare gun then use your blue hand TO PULL THE SAW down on the frozen boss. Do this 3 times then win

You then go to the exit, the boss will jump you one last time. He will grab you then lift you into the air. As he thrashes an ice canister will break loose. Shoot it then use the blue hand to pull a boring drill down on him. This ends the fight.

The rest of the game is a long story heavy sequence. It ends after walking through the underground poppy garden.
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Ratty 8 Mar @ 8:34am 
thanks bro this helped me. also i dont think there are THAT much framerate drops but idk if it got updated or not.
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