Poppy Playtime

Poppy Playtime

Doctor Fight softlock: can't drop items
There seems to be an issue throughout the chapter where the game isn't allowing us to drop items once in our hand. This didn't matter until the battle with the Doctor where you must collect a battery to trigger the doctor robots to move out of the way of a vent and then drop the battery in order to pull the boards off of the vent. Of course with only having one hand after being disabled by the doctor, this is a problem. We cannot progress.

We've tried re-doing the keybinds and resetting to default. Tried turning the game on and off again and the PC. These proved naught. Currently trying to reinstall the game to fix the problem. Please fix this bug if you can, seems to have only happened to us for some reason.

Notably also once we changed the drop item keybinds, it wouldn't let us switch back to the mouse binds since they were already used for the left and right grabpack hand launching. Not even after resetting the binds to default.
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You can drop Items by holding the mouse button you're holding an item with. I had a similar problem with the badges during the early section of the game. I believe you also have to stand still for it to work
i have the same problem also did yarnaby not spawn for the first half of his second boss fight for anyone else or am i the only one
Capp00 30 Jan @ 8:03pm 
I had the same problem. I could get it to work some of the time, but not every time. I did the "hold to drop" button a few times and it didn't work. Then after dying and starting it again, dropping worked.

I had this problem with cogs too. Had 1 in each hand and could not drop them. Had to reload to get it to work.

And one more time with the final battery. I ran through the next several puzzles with it stuck in my hand because I couldn't drop it. Had to get to a cutscene before it let go.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 7:05pm
Posts: 3