Mirror's Edge

Mirror's Edge

LXT 21 Aug, 2024 @ 9:51pm
Will a Remake of this game ever be developed?
Since Catalyst features a "reimagined" city compared to the original, it would be nice to see the developers remake the original to keep the city design consistent with the timeline. Since Catalyst is a prequel, the original city's design appears less advanced than Catalyst. Updating the original would help make the design consistent.

I really enjoy playing Mirror's Edge, especially the original game, but it slightly bothers me that the city in the original looks less advanced than in Catalyst, especially considering that the original is a sequel.

If they happen to work on the Remake, I just hope:
- They keep the anime style cutscene.
- They keep it more linear, not too much open world with all the tedious side quests.
- Not too much cut content.

Good examples of remakes would be:
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 3 Remake
Resident Evil 4 Remake
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Devsman 21 Aug, 2024 @ 10:20pm 
Sure, it's possible. We're in the middle of a remake craze right now, so even more possible.
sp33d 22 Aug, 2024 @ 6:34pm 
It doesn't really need one tbh, the lighting is baked in and the textures still look perfect.
LXT 23 Aug, 2024 @ 12:28pm 
Originally posted by fanta:
It doesn't really need one tbh, the lighting is baked in and the textures still look perfect.
I would really love to see one tbh. Even if the Remake version does not exceed the audience’s satisfactions, the original still exists and is playable.
himself 14 Oct, 2024 @ 12:17pm 
Stop asking for remasters, most of them are crap
LXT 14 Oct, 2024 @ 12:49pm 
Originally posted by himself:
Stop asking for remasters, most of them are crap
They should Remake older Tomb Raider games, ngl.
Lord Voxtron 14 Oct, 2024 @ 8:28pm 
Originally posted by LXT:
Originally posted by Lord Voxtron:
Nope, we can't expect that for now.


How unfortunate.

It doesn't need a remake or remaster, to be fair. The graphics are still great. We actually need a third game, a continuation to the series.
LXT 14 Oct, 2024 @ 10:42pm 
Originally posted by Lord Voxtron:
Originally posted by LXT:
How unfortunate.

It doesn't need a remake or remaster, to be fair. The graphics are still great. We actually need a third game, a continuation to the series.
Yeah I hope they make it more linear without side quests in every corner.
Lord Voxtron 29 Oct, 2024 @ 1:28am 
Originally posted by LXT:
Originally posted by Lord Voxtron:

It doesn't need a remake or remaster, to be fair. The graphics are still great. We actually need a third game, a continuation to the series.

Yeah I hope they make it more linear without side quests in every corner.

I actually like Catalyst's open world formula with side quests, although the open world becomes pretty dead after you complete the game. Just the story is non-sense because there was already a story that didn't need to be rewritten. Catalyst was supposed to be a sequel telling Faith's story after her sister was rescued or a prequel with her beginnings would be also be fine, but neither did happen.
Last edited by Lord Voxtron; 29 Oct, 2024 @ 1:31am
Deadly Effect 3 Dec, 2024 @ 8:04pm 
Catalyst aint a prequel, its a reboot, techicli a remake. Only prequel to og Mirrors Edge is a mobile Mirrors Edge made in 2010 (awesome game btw).

OG Mirrors Edge needs no remasters and remakes, game so well done, it holds up this dai, what it needs is a sequel, that keeps og Faith and givin her great character deveopment, while continuin story, since ending of og Mirrors Edge, was pretti grim if think about it and game definetli needs a continuation of a story.
If potential sequel gets a gameplay upgrade, they shoudnt make it same as Catalyst in terms of making Faith a running tank, one of the gems of Mirrors Edge is that Faith is quite vulnarable, so gotta be quick and precise with her during enemie encounters , cannot just punch tank through all of the enemies, specialli SWATS. More parkur and combat moves that u could also chain together, giving more freedom in action and execution would be dope.

If mention og, only changes thei should do is fix games bugs and such, and bring multiplayer baeck.

As for examples of good remakes...... RE2R was purfect, u mentioned "not too much cut content" even though RE3R is basicli had cutted much of a content, and RE4R.... gameplai part is dope, some character changes were gweat, but not all, some story changes made story less interesting and exitin, an d it it had some content removed, so RE4R is amazing, it aint purfect.
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