Mirror's Edge

Mirror's Edge

mirror's edge crashing after ea paint cutscene
Mirrors edge is pissing me off i have tried every solution but nothing is working

i have tried pasting PhysXloader into binaries but that doesnt work i have tried changing the resolution with ResX that doesnt work i deleted PhysX files in binaries except PhysXExentions i have tried running it on compability mode even that doesnt work iam starting to think something is wrong with my pc and should take it to a repair shop iam lost i will be very grateful if someone helps me thank you
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
the game just crashes before that ea paint cutscene even happens, i deleted phys X aswell, but even still this fix didn't work for me.
Michiyo 29 Jan @ 5:27am 
Originally posted by RedWithTheObviouslyLongUsername:
the game just crashes before that ea paint cutscene even happens, i deleted phys X aswell, but even still this fix didn't work for me.
did you try. 1.Go to the configuration file(s) location.
2.Open TdEngine.ini.
3.Set the value of MaxMultisamples to 1.
4.Save the changes. this worked for me
Originally posted by VarKan:
Originally posted by RedWithTheObviouslyLongUsername:
the game just crashes before that ea paint cutscene even happens, i deleted phys X aswell, but even still this fix didn't work for me.
did you try. 1.Go to the configuration file(s) location.
2.Open TdEngine.ini.
3.Set the value of MaxMultisamples to 1.
4.Save the changes. this worked for me
lil bro that was the first thing I tried, it only worked after I validated files
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