Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix+

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix+

No Levan Polka
Does anyone know if the game will be updated? If SEGA could add Levan Polka to their game I would buy it in a heartbeat
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
its not? havnt it been the tutorial song for most project diva games?
Silviechan eredeti hozzászólása:
its not? havnt it been the tutorial song for most project diva games?
The song is not seen in the official description of the song
Probably in the song pack
it is not available, at all. there is no news about it ever coming back, and it seems unlikely.
There's only an instrumental version during the tutorial ever since Switch release.
The instrumental version is based on the song release from "Hatsune Miku VR", also a steam game.
MikuHatsune eredeti hozzászólása:
There's only an instrumental version during the tutorial ever since Switch release.
The instrumental version is based on the song release from "Hatsune Miku VR", also a steam game.
Are you saying there is?
Yep that gave me pause too. Please Sega we want Ieva's Polka :)
No Levan Polka at all. The tutorial uses it and that is it. You can't play it, there is no map.
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