STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor™

STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor™

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p0mpous 4 mai 2023 à 9h01
This game might have the worst combat I have ever seen.
The unblockable attack coupled with having 4 enemies all spam at you at once is just tedious.
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You have force powers for a reason
sounds like a skill problem
Dootslayer a écrit :
You have force powers for a reason
They arent good enough, you use them on some enemies and they hardly move.
dustin1280 a écrit :
sounds like a skill problem
No its just awful combat. Based on spamming not actual timing and skill.

Honestly its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awful.
Dernière modification de p0mpous; 4 mai 2023 à 9h08
p0mpous a écrit :
dustin1280 a écrit :
sounds like a skill problem
No its just awful combat. Based on spamming not actual timing and skill.

Honestly its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awful.
definitely a skill problem
Dernière modification de dustin1280; 4 mai 2023 à 9h12
p0mpous a écrit :
The unblockable attack coupled with having 4 enemies all spam at you at once is just tedious.
Sounds like you got a skill issue.
dustin1280 a écrit :
p0mpous a écrit :
No its just awful combat. Based on spamming not actual timing and skill.

Honestly its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awful.
definitely a skill problem
No. You can say that all you want but spamming attacks that cant be blocked is just dull. Why have a parry system?
"having 4 enemies" xD
Since it's obviously a skill issue, the frog is going to make you cry and throw your controller.

Hell even the Rancor might and he is easy
Dernière modification de dustin1280; 4 mai 2023 à 9h12
All it consists of is tapping a button to evade. Its so easy. It just really boring.
Assuming this is like the first game, and later game you start dealing with 10 enemies at once. You're probably going to have a bad time.

And spamming attacks definitely won't get you through those encounters.
Dernière modification de Bane Silvermoon; 4 mai 2023 à 9h15
Bane Silvermoon a écrit :
Assuming this is like the first game, and later game you start dealing with 10 enemies at once. You're probably going to have a bad time.

And spamming attacks definitely won't get you through those encounters.
Wow none of you can read. I am talking about the enemy spamming.
Gotta learn, my friend. That's the point of it, to learn to not get hit by it and to figure out your strategy on avoiding the chain attack. Maybe it's dodging or using Force powers or jumping or attacking into it; it varies from enemy to enemy. Game's gonna pull some BS on you, yeah, but nothing you cannot respond to in kind. Die and learn and die and learn. That's how one gets good, or in my case, passable enough to get past it.
p0mpous a écrit :
Wow none of you can read. I am talking about the enemy spamming.
Sure, sure....

Frog is going to eat you several hundred times...
I would be surprised if the Rancor didn't take you more than 50 attempts.

"enemy spamming" is not actually an issue in this game. It is only perceived as an "issue" for people who lack the skill to deal with it.

I suspect story mode (or maybe 1 up from it) will work well for you, try that. Might fix your concerns.
Dernière modification de dustin1280; 4 mai 2023 à 9h21
Early on there isn't much with regards to crowd control, and Jedi Master can be unforgiving at times.

12 hours in and I'm unlocking force powers, Lightsaber moves, and new stances. I've also unlocked a bigger health bar, and more Stims for healing.

I've also been playing on Story difficulty, and the combat there seems as unbalanced as those complaining about Grand Master difficulty.

On Story Difficulty, early on most boss fights are far too easy. Very much a breeze to get through, but mobs were still deadly. However, once you get some actual options available for dispatching those mobs, you might get angry at Merrin for sniping one of them.
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