M_K 22 Dec, 2024 @ 12:35pm
Endosymbiosis with more generalized target cells?
Endosymbiosis as implemented at the moment is very tied to specific target cell species, rather than target cell function.

As such, it is difficult to actually reach a full bar before the target goes extinct.

Would it make sense to generalize things a bit to allow re-target to a similar species (similar suitability score for target organelle) in case of premature extinction?
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Boost  [developer] 22 Dec, 2024 @ 11:15pm 
This is more of a thing for biologists to answer, but to my understanding the endosymbiosis process requires mutations from both sides to work, so it wouldn't make sense that the process could just switch the target species while keeping the progress (as the new target wouldn't have had evolutionary pressure to adapt to living inside another species yet).

There is a planned way to make endosymbiosis easier by making sure the target is less likely to go extinct:
polle 9 Jan @ 11:21am 
I finished the process of endosymbiosis and acquired mitochondria i was able to place it but only once because i havent placed a nucleus yet. I feel like i should be able to place more.
Boost  [developer] 9 Jan @ 11:22pm 
If I remember right the ability for prokaryotes to endosymbiosise something was added purely as it is a good introduction to the system and I think real life biology supports the idea that bacteria can do endosymbiosis but it is way, way less common than with eukaryotes. So for that reason and for making the gameplay more interesting (adding incentives to move forwards) prokaryotic endosymbiosis was limited to gaining a single organelle.
Skyte100 21 Jan @ 10:40pm 
It is intensely annoying for you to almost have it done only for the target to go extinct globally. I legitimately cannot actually complete because this is the third time they've gone extinct. This guy had 12 times my population in the patch and they all vanished.
Last edited by Skyte100; 21 Jan @ 10:42pm
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