Steam libraries initialization failed :-/
I just got Thrive, but everytime i run it, the title menu throws this error message at me. "Steam libraries initialization failed, please run the game via the steam client."
But i am running the game from the steam client, so - what is the issue here? What am i supposed to do?
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Boost  [developer] 27 Jan @ 11:19pm 
This is the first time this has been reported so I sadly don't have advice specifically for this problem. But what you can try to do is verify the game files, check that Steam is updated to the latest version and then reboot your computer. If you are on Linux, then I sort of recall someone mentioning maybe the same problem, but for them all Steam games had the same problem (so their Steam setup was basically broken and it was nothing to do specifically with Thrive).
PcbZorg 28 Jan @ 8:35am 
Thank you for the reply! I guess it must have been caused by something on my side, steam restart didn't help but reboot did, so now it's ok!
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