Vampire Survivors

Vampire Survivors

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Zephyr 17 Aug @ 3:20am
How Darkasso changed everything
Ok, I wanted to make a post about the new update that is a little bit more serious than just me making a silly wrestling joke.

Darkasso is a BIG upgrade, and it's going to considerably change in the future how Vampire Survivors is played. This is because with a few choice cards, the limits and boundaries as we previously knew them just exploded, and the old "metas" have been supplanted by new ones. This is, in particular, because of ONE arcana, and it's coincidentially the one you unlock first, the Moonlight Bolero.

1 treasure chest carrier every minute, and chests which can give you extra passive you don't have, and, even better, arcanas.

This means that thanks to this, all the passives are on the table, and you can get more arcanas that you previously could hold, without considering the fact it's 30 more potential chests for a regular game, equivalent of 30 level ups at least worth of power. This is so strong there is pretty much no reason to not insta pick that in 95% of the situations. You can pick the arcanas you are missing down the line too, and you build will only be stronger from it. You can thanks to that card alone, have way more evolved weapons in hands than you could before.

This is now the queen of cards, and it blows blood arcana or even Wicked Season out of the water(especially as there is no downside to it).

But wait, there is more!

With the addition of Saphire Mist, you get a luck dependant chance of double fire. This is absolutely huge, because the more weapons you carry, the more chances you have to tigger it and do a lot more damage. While the weapons assosciated to the card which gain even more attacks are nothing to write home about except maybe flame of Misspell due to the curse scaling, the sheer amount of firepower you can bring to bear with 2 of the new cards is staggering. But you will say: It's luck dependant, what about characters with not much luck? Well, here is the thing, the Midnight Bolero guarantees you the clover, so you will get more luck. And if you get the Greatest Jubilee with the amount of pick ups you are going to get, chances of getting random clover pickups are greatly increased. You should run Greatest Jubilee anyway.

The two others dark arcanas aren't nearly as good, as they favor defensive builds, which some people do like, but I find are always greatly inferior to aggressive and more orthodox ones. Still for that task, they are very very good! Crystal Cries favorise those characters who want to often go at low health to trigger effects, like, say, Bat Robbert or She-Moon, who are the ones used to unlock those cards. The whole thing is that the more hurt you get, the more you will get opportunities to raise growth, max health and recovery. This is good for scaling, although one may argue that the recovery isn't: Too much recovery and you hinder your capacity to get damaged, and as such to further trigger the effect. The Wandering Jet Black turns your health lost into relfect damage with heavy scaling on having a lot of max HP, and makes you the ultimate porcupine. Problem stills occurs in the fact that killing everything attacking you will makes it once again harder to further trigger the effects, but at that point it's probably not going to matter. Coupled with Divine Bloodline you have something serious going on.

Whatever dark arcanas the future holds, I can already say this is going to be glorious. Boundaries are going to once again be destroyed, and I'm very eager to see how much.
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Moonbane 17 Aug @ 3:28am 
You arent looking well enough at wandering the jet black. Its an extremely high damage contributor arcana. Ive frequently had it the highest damage contributor in runs playing to it. Hitting at 1.7G if not higher. Which is insane for an -arcana-.

You are also not looking right at Crystal Cries. Combine it with Hail from the Future and things will quickly begun to snowball into crazy territory for two reasons. Defeating Frozen Enemies gives +max health, recovery and growth. And you constantly spawn new orologicons around you. Glass Voulge is PERFECT here.

With those two, I am hitting lvl 1200+ in a 30 minute hyper, hurry, inverse and no eggs used runs.

And I agree, the new Darkanas have completely shattered the old metas and all and any thoughts on painstakingly minmaxing extra weapons/accessories.
Last edited by Moonbane; 17 Aug @ 3:32am
Jaeus 17 Aug @ 3:57am 
It's interesting to consider a game where Wicked Season isn't necessarily a great choice, since it's been the lynchpin for so long for the insane runs.
Paranormal Scan obviously remains THE game-changer, THE thing which allows you to do crazy stuff without relying on RNGing up a good Random (or just making your Random even crazier). And Sapphire Mist just makes Paranormal Scan more than twice as insane, since you'll cap Cooldown much sooner which compounds upon itself

But I overall don't think much has fundamentally changed.
You probably need Silent Old Sanctuary to bootstrap the start of a low-weapon run still.
You may yet want Wicked Season.
Sapphire Mist is the big gamechanger.
The others are just... whatever. If you want to go insane on item count, Hail from the Future will do it. Midnight Bolero is just a way to fix "bad" stages (ie stages which aren't Abyss Foscari or Capella Magna). They're perfect for things you want to do if you want to do those things, don't get me wrong.

But in terms of someone like me who enjoys trying to push the limits of 1 offensive weapon, they don't really change anything.
I have to imagine cutting SOS for Sapphire Mist on a good Random with Paranormal Scan might beat my old Best "Normal" Run with a Godai Shuffle doing 220k damage a hit.
ja cie skibidi
Zephyr 17 Aug @ 4:39am 
I can counter about Jet Back that I got the same result with Saraband of Healing just using the health gained from Disco of Gold, so no, it's not insane for an arcana, and I still consider Saraband Better especially as it's more versatile. I've said it before, I don't believe in defensive build, I feel they are vastly inferior to offensive or orthodox ones, which I've proven in the past.

Although you did make me realise I didn't cover Hail From the Future despite how awesome that arcana is.
Here we have an arcana which has a chance to give you a candy box, and this even when you already got an other one. So, you have the capacity on level up to potentially get more weapons, and the weapons of your choice, which is just as broken as you can imagine, especially when coupled with the Bolero.

Gaining too many levels also isn't necessarily a good thing: Enemies end up scaling with those, and with too much level they will get more HP than you will get killing power. Granted, this means more money at the end. Still you got me curious about that amount of scaling so I may give it a try eventually.

Assuming you are ready to not have the build you really want, with the combo of Bolero and Hail, you can in theory end up having all the weapons and passives, and as such, evolving most of them. The simple idea you have the capacity to have every single weapon of the game and evolve it if given enough time(like in endless), is pretty damn crazy.
Jaeus 17 Aug @ 5:15am 
Originally posted by Zephyr:
Gaining too many levels also isn't necessarily a good thing: Enemies end up scaling with those, and with too much level they will get more HP than you will get killing power.
There are several weapons which do fine with levels into the several thousands, even with Curse from Wicked Season mounting up each level as well.

There are some weapons like Godai Shuffle and Legionnaire which also just have such huge values and/or scaling that you would truly need some ridiculous amounts of levels and Inverse and Curse to be threatened.

Then there's also Toastie Legionnaire, which speaks for itself.
This is, by the way, the 2nd Reaper, the one which spawned at 31:00 and died at 31:00.
pretty long text and dindt read all but i agree to most points. the ballancing is completly destroyed. the game becomes too easy. no problem to reach lv 100+ with perfect skills in 20 min with that.
Moonbane 17 Aug @ 7:35am 
The arcana that summons all stuff to your position becomes a must if you play with the new darkanas that spawns reward.
NeoRizer 17 Aug @ 11:44am 
How do you unlock them all?
Shuri-Sama 17 Aug @ 12:12pm 
dunno. i have 5 atm and they just apear randomly. no clue what it triggered
Jaeus 17 Aug @ 12:53pm 
Originally posted by NeoRizer:
How do you unlock them all?
The game will have them in Unlocks.
There's only the 5 for now.
I agree the new stuff is amazing and very strong but I'm not worried about it making the game "too easy" because it was already easy to break the game and be unstoppable.

Personally I really like the new level , having enemies gain HP as you level keeps them from turning into punching bags the minute you get a few levels in a weapon like garlic , now they actually chase me around for awhile before I can stand my ground , that hasn't happened in a long time outside of adventure mode and it feels good to be threatened for awhile but I do enjoy the moment when the situation flips and I'm the one killing everything.

I think there is something to be learned from that , the game can still be challenging and it can still let you have those moments of becoming the bullet hell in the same run.
Originally posted by Radiowavehero:
I agree the new stuff is amazing and very strong but I'm not worried about it making the game "too easy" because it was already easy to break the game and be unstoppable.
This, exactly.

Outside of your first like... five runs as you're unlocking things or adventure maps, the game -is- easy.

Things like Boss Rash, Room 1655, give a slight challenge as you attempt it and figure how how to break it all the same.
i cant get batman to 600+ hp for the one card, he either dies because he cant get chicken (bats are crap) or he becomes too powerful to be hurt enough to gain hp.
Jaeus 18 Aug @ 1:14am 
Originally posted by Radiowavehero:
I agree the new stuff is amazing and very strong but I'm not worried about it making the game "too easy" because it was already easy to break the game and be unstoppable.
Try doing Room 1665 without a broken character. Most people will likely need quite a few unlocks and a fair bit of game experience to actually survive to even unlock Darkanas.

Originally posted by Dan_The_Noob:
i cant get batman to 600+ hp for the one card, he either dies because he cant get chicken (bats are crap) or he becomes too powerful to be hurt enough to gain hp.
You don't need that much HP for Hollow Heart + Metaglio Left to be enough HP. I got him done in like 4 minutes I think.

Originally posted by Foxassassin:
Outside of your first like... five runs as you're unlocking things or adventure maps, the game -is- easy.
Things like Boss Rash, Room 1655, give a slight challenge as you attempt it and figure how how to break it all the same.
This game has ever been about building your own challenges. There's several of the Contra DLC characters you can try to solo weapon run on. Or wanting to clear every map with Toastie.
I think I will wait for more Darkana before I try Toastie in Room 1665, that place SUUUUUCKS. Tiny Bridge was a ...very weirdly creative experience to clear in its own right. I had to start with Blood Astronomia of all things.
Like people always cry "Vampire Survivors is too easy!" then never challenge themselves. I'd rather have a game be "too easy" where I can opt in to challenges, than have some garbage like Deep Rock Galactic Survivors where the game simply isn't fun because the dev has a huge chip on their shoulder.
Zephyr 18 Aug @ 2:07am 
If you want to get Bat Robbert to that much health way easier, take the Arcana that gives contact damage and more max health on kill when he kills enemies that way. With that in your pocket you can go around and ram your face against enemies, they will die, and Bat will keep getting more and more health from both his natural ability and the Arcana. I pretty much had it done not even 10 minutes into a run, but I kept playing a bit before stopping. Bat had 1400+ health at that point, I wanted to be sure.

But yeah, about the game becoming too easy, I think the game is just difficult for like, the 10 first hours, after that you've given the tools to pretty much become the destroyer of worlds, and there isn't much that can give you a pause, unless you start to max curse and spawn amount and put yourself into inverse. I'm fine with it. The game is fun. It has plenty of ways to be fun. Plenty of ways to have fun with. At the end of the day I don't exactly come back to it for the difficulty although finding a good challenge is always a treat I can rack my brain toward, it's for the pleasure of the game

On a different note, I noticed the Golden Axe gnomes were added to the game when using the Bolero, but they aren't in the monster compendium, and I'm a bit sad about that. I hoped to read a funny entry about them. Prop to anyone who noticed them and actually remembered where they come from :p .
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