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Can't win IPvGO (embarrassed to say) Any help?
I just can't figure out how to win. Every time the game says I have the advantage, the opponent takes over the entire board. Played 10 times so far, but still can't figure out how to win. Any advice?

I've read that you can script this game, but haven't found any completed scripts to try.
Last edited by AlconburyBlues; 25 Jan @ 10:05am
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sj123 25 Jan @ 10:38pm 
It is not necessary to win the game to gain bonuses. Against Illuminati you should focus on defence (read about Eyes). Also 5x5 easier with this opponent. Others are much easier to play against. Like any other turn-base board game, go is about planning. Don't think "what turn I should do next" but "what my next three turns will looks like". Something like that.
Ingame documentation (Advanced Mechanics -> IPvGO) provide decent algorithm for scripting. Even without modifications it wins 3-4 of 10 games against Netburners. After aug reset I prefer to play some games manually, while rewards are good (there is deminishing return for bonuses) and then - turn on script that almost exactly matches one from documentation and playing against Netburners. But I using hacknet servers a lot. If you focusing on crimes or bladeburner you probably should switch to Slum snakes/Tetrads. Though basic script playing not that good against them. Still, even if it wins just one of twenty games, it is worth to run it at background.
Also, it is possible to write script that will "learn" how to play. 5x5 field is very small, there are not many variants. For example, you will play manually, while script will remember your moves (and save them to file) and later it will just repeat moves it knows about. Such setup will require you to play (and win preferably) a lot of games. But after you'll fill your turns "database" it will play with good win ratio (equal to your manual games).
There is also BN14 which not only will rise max win favor for IPvGO factions, but also will enable so-called "cheat api". Which I not aquired myself yet, but, if I remember correctly, it allows to do things like double turns.
Thanks for that advice. My game progress now is 50 augs and WGH on every server. Haven't reached the point of Bladeburners yet. Trying to up my combat stats and charisma, which takes forever, for the achievements.
sj123 26 Jan @ 3:43pm 
IPvGO will not help you a lot with achevements. It is just a way to get additional moderate bonuses while scripts are working and there is nothing to do for player himself. Same thing as infiltrations, but instead of flat money/rep you trade your time for % mults.
Originally posted by AlconburyBlues:
Trying to up my combat stats and charisma, which takes forever, for the achievements
Most of the achievements will come naturally when you'll progress further. You will not be able to get some of them until you unlock special upgrades. If you still not "finished" game at least once, you should not focusing on achievements. For example, there is no way to get something like "NeuroFlux 255"/"40 augs queued"/"Max hacknet server" in reasonable time without corporations mechanic. It is difference between "wait 20 hours for achievement" and "wait 20 months for achievement" really. Also "combat stats and charisma"? I think, there is only one ach for 3000 combat stats. Don't remember any for charisma.
I agree sj, I think I shouldn't have said "achievements" necessarily (even though you do get an achievement for getting your stats past a certain point) but moreso for the few faction invites that you won't get unless you do. I believe one faction requires combat stats above 1200 and another above 1500.

But the gameplay has gone down quite a bit since I'm now easily able to hack all the servers. At what point do you start to see something new, like bitnodes for example, and bladeburners as I mentioned earlier? (I guess that question should really be a separate thread.) I've already done everything you can possibly do at this point. But I'm reading about other parts of the game I haven't even seen yet.
Last edited by AlconburyBlues; 27 Jan @ 3:24pm
sj123 28 Jan @ 8:07am 
Originally posted by AlconburyBlues:
At what point do you start to see something new, like bitnodes for example
Well. If you still don't saw bitnodes screen, you should check "Milestones" menu. There also should be fl1ght.exe program on "home" which you can run to check what you need to join Daedalus. Without major spoilers - that what you need to progress to the endgame. There is whole lot of new things you will not see until you'll "finish the game" for the first time.
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