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Corporation math seems wrong
It seems like there's weird things going on with the formulas for corporation dividends.

BLUF: Seems like the dividend tax is broken. Tax rate is 91% instead of 15%.
My corporation was making 1.5m/sec net profit. I own 1b shares out of a total of 1.5b. I set dividends to 100%. I should receive 1m/sec before tax is applied. The game agrees by showing Dividends per share = $0.001/sec, but earnings are only 92k/sec. This means 908k/sec (91%) is going to tax.
Documentation says that for BN3, DividendTax should be 0.15. Seems like that should mean 15%, but its used as a power instead of a multiple for some reason. (eg. X^0.85 vs X*0.85) Referencing the formulas listed in the Documentation, TotalDividends is multiplied by 10 for some reason. With the times 10, then to the power of 0.85, this results in exactly 10 times more than the money I'm receiving. That would be an effective tax rate of 11.3%, but I'm receiving 1/10 of that, despite that not being in the formula, resulting in an effective tax rate of 91%.
Does anyone know whats going on here? Is this just formulas being incorrect?
Last edited by Induced_Current; 20 Jan @ 11:23am
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sj123 21 Jan @ 4:24am 
Corporations will be too OP if you'll get 1m dividends of 1.5m porfit. You can reach 10m profit super fast (and spend most of this time fighting controls). I am not sure if it is "wrong" or just described unclear. Documentation for corp is hard to read. Too much math for casual players like me. Though, if your expected value exactly 10 times smaller, maybe it was meant to be "per states cycle" (which is 10sec) instead of "per second"?
I unlocked corporation not long time ago. Only played 2 bitnodes with them. And only once it was kind of "successful". Got max money, bought Neuroflux 255, max Hacknet server, 40 augumentations etc. achievements. So it was worth it. But I enabled (increased above 0) dividends only at the end.
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