Echo Point Nova

Echo Point Nova

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matt  [developer] 24 Sep @ 6:26am
Feedback thread!
Hi everyone,

Want to write up your thoughts on the game? Share what you liked and what you thought needs improvement? Here is the place!

You can also make a new topic if you prefer, but some people just prefer commenting in a going thread.


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Showing 1-15 of 51 comments
dannad 24 Sep @ 9:15am 
I would like to have an option to disable markers which appear on radar on the bottom left for pure exploration mode, so i could focus on sound cues like in the demo.
Private 24 Sep @ 9:28am 
I think you should add one or 2 more difficulties to make it harder, as even the hardest difficulty feels easy.
matt  [developer] 24 Sep @ 9:32am 
Originally posted by Private:
I think you should add one or 2 more difficulties to make it harder, as even the hardest difficulty feels easy.

get into the arctic and lava biome things pick up! and post credits too has some tough ones.

but still, maybe I will add an even harder one in future!
If you sit on a temple, wind for example in the beginning and you grind it a few times, you get a TON of leftover icons for ammo and hearts that you never use, but they clutter up your screen and you can't see the enemies well through them sometimes.
Last edited by Randy Marsh; 25 Sep @ 3:45am
Not technically a bug so I'm not reporting it as one, but you may want to place a minimum cap on the time between activations for the explosive grapple. Paired with the unlimited grapple and binding the grapple to scrolling down with the mouse wheel, I was able to create a small sun by spamming jump and scrolling down to rapidly disconnect and reconnect my grappling hook.
I'm having trouble with my aiming... I think it's a deadzone issue. Basically, any aim movement that isn't purely horizontal or vertical feels wrong, like it's trying to snap to a + sign
The Granddad is nice and all, but is it actually supposed to be this strong? Feels like it does more damage than the revolver while having higher rate of fire, bigger magazine, and faster projectiles.
Wehzy 25 Sep @ 12:58pm 
Originally posted by Private:
I think you should add one or 2 more difficulties to make it harder, as even the hardest difficulty feels easy.

I agree. We haven't tried post game yet, buddy and me beat it a few hours ago. Gonna see whats the post game is all about tomorrow!
The Dragonfly boss was so frustrating, I almost rage-quit. It's nearly impossible to get onto it. There need to be better/more wind jumps (that are easier to get to), more clouds, or something.

If I wasn't in co-op, that might have been the end of me playing. In the entire boss fight, I managed to get up there once, destroyed a section (which caused me to fall), and then the next time I managed to land on it, a turret killed me almost immediately. My friend basically soloed the whole thing. Not. Fun.
katsu 26 Sep @ 10:41am 
Just 100%'d the game. Kudos to the devs! I had a blast the whole way through.
The only feedback that sticks out in my mind is that I think market gardener maybe is a bit strong for how reliable it is to activate. It feels a bit like "hey, this is how the game should be played from now on" once you unlock it. (Maybe that's a good thing?) I wouldn't say I want to see it nerfed though - it's definitely one of my favourite perks.
Looking forward to what comes next! :luv:
Last edited by katsu; 26 Sep @ 10:41am
Shazbot! 26 Sep @ 11:58am 
Originally posted by matt:
Want to write up your thoughts on the game? Share what you liked and what you thought needs improvement? Here is the place!
Played the demo, it feels like the game as i could call it "movement shooter" was designed for people who don't like "movement shooters", there is no momentum in movement as you can easily accelerate and decellerate even midair and it felt like i was flying around with moonboots glitch from TF2 (you know what that is, don't you), plus enemies being pretty boring to fight makes this whole thing not very entertaining experience.
Not so much feedback for the game, but feedback for I guess the marketing? I dunno what it would be considered. But you could slap the road map from the launch day announcement on the store page. You didn't sell the game as "Early Access", which is appreciated honestly, but people might see it launching as a "complete" game in that case and think it's all they're gonna get at a glance. Just a suggestion.
Fordo 77 26 Sep @ 8:01pm 
I've almost 100%-ed this game and I LOVE it. Definitely a new favorite for me. Some of my thoughts/feedback are the following:

I agree 100% with what Katsu said about Market Gardener. Once unlocked it feels like it totally changes the meta - I keep wind jump on 90% of the time because of it. Maybe a fix would be to make it cost a lot more points? Even though it's an end-game perk I would do the same for recoil thruster, which was crazy fun but pretty game-breaking. Maybe a general re-balancing of perk costs, and another level or two of pricing tiers would be helpful. The radar makes hats easy to find so I always had enough power consumption to use every perk I had unlocked. Of course a lot of the fun of this game comes from the fact that it doesn't limit you, so I don't want to nerf things too much. Maybe an alternative fix would be to add a perk that deals 3x damage if you're surfing on the ground at max/high speed or something like that?

In general I would have preferred slower progression for pretty much everything - I felt like I got a bit too overpowered faster than I wanted. By like the halfway point I was pretty much able to jump around in the air infinitely raining death (partly thanks to Market Gardener), which is very fun, but I think I was having even more fun closer to the start of the game where I had to be a bit more strategic and skilled with surfing and grappling. But I think this is mostly because I was having such a blast and just wanted the game to last longer.

Also, I personally wasn't a big fan of the color correction and turned it off after trying each zone. Maybe a more subtle implementation would be nice?
Last edited by Fordo 77; 26 Sep @ 9:14pm
Player1-up 26 Sep @ 9:47pm 
hi i just 100%ed the game a couple hours ago here are my complaints (wall of text incoming sorry i just really like this game and wanna ramble about it)

- teeny tiny minor performance issues, but my pc is a slab of overcooked beef so eh

- i encountered a fair few bugs, but that's okay. the game's only been out for like 3 days and we already got a patch for some as early as day 2 so hey, nice job stomping on those bugs the literal second you had an opportunity to! that's genuine dedication to the craft, mad respect. also, some of the bugs were pretty funny, to be fair.

- having to account for projectile speed is a little bit annoying at times but to be fair i'm more used to hitscans than anything else, it did at least make for some interesting combat at times. not bad, but maybe having hitscans as an accessibility option or a really expensive perk in the future could be interesting? idk im just spitballing here

- speaking of which, weapons that gain the "silencer" upgrade from level-ups feels, to put it bluntly, useless. the benefit of (supposedly) not immediately aggro-ing everyone around you (which ill end up doing anyways by flying at mach ♥♥♥♥ right in front of them) is heavily outweighed by the slower projectile speed. it feels kinda redundant for a weapon addon that you have to work for having a downside unless its an inherent one like the full auto on the double-barrel pistol being hard to control. i'll never complain about that one, that one's just funny. maybe have the silencer improve weapon damage by 1 instead? it'd make them more optimal against some of the more annoyingly tanky late-game enemies.

- speaking of which, some of the enemies are annoyingly tanky. especially nightmare enemies, who are tankier than the actual enemies that have the "tanky" buff from postgame scans. i'm looking at you, engineers (the ones that spawn the turrets and have a boatload of health idk i just like calling them engineers)

- i don't like the dmr. someone else probably likes it, and good for them. i didn't. it felt like it somewhat underperformed compared to the other snipers. it wasnt a terrible weapon per se, but i never looked forward to using it and once i maxed out the level for completion sake, i never willingly used it again. does make for an interesting fastball to deal with when the gun game modifier is in play, though. maybe some buffs are in order? im not really sure what i'd do to rebalance it that wouldnt just Make It More Like The Other Snipers while the whole point of the gun is that its Not Like The Other Snipers so eh stuff like this is why im not a game developer.

- during the leadup to the final boss, the intended way to reach the halfway point through the parkour gauntlet requires you know that you can spam jump while you already have upwards momentum (in this case from a big jump whirlwind) to gain the necessary speed to reach anything grapple-able. i apologize if this was actually explained in a checkpoint tutorial but im gonna be 100% real with you chief i didnt even know there was checkpoint dialogue in the game until the game literally forced me to read one of them via objective marker. though if this was intentional, i respect the play to force people to actually learn more niche aspects of the movement physics sandbox they've been playing in for the last 5 or 6 hours.

- market gardener is overpowered. and i love it. obviously from the perspective of making a balanced game, this is bad. but like i said, i love that market gardener is op. it completely changes how you play the game, but this is a gameplay change that you actively have to opt into. you control the buttons you press. i BEG you not to nerf the damage (ok maybe only making it double damage would make sense but still i like the overpowered-ness) but it would make sense if you made the perk hella expensive to equip or smth.

- speaking of perk expensiveness, some perks are more expensive to equip than they're really worth. this is especially noticable with post-game perks (which you can kinda tell they were scrapped ideas since some of them are REALLY lesser compared to others.) such as: SMG+, Packed, Lift off, Airburst, Hammer Time, Explosive Grapple and Headshot Kills Explode (both of which i swear never actually do anything of value. i've never actually seen the latter properly proc and i dont think ive managed to kill a single enemy with the explosive grapple.) The opposite problem also exists (Recoil Thruster, Market Gardener) and some perks feel like they never actually work (Fireworks, Bullets Pickup Bullets, Ricochet.)

- the hammer getting scrapped and no melee alternative models being available feels kinda weird (especially since the hammer is still in the key art for the game???). though i feel like you're prolly already planning on adding those in the future, so eh.

- no double barrel shotgun. cmon. you gave me a revolver and a cool yeehaw cowboy hat but no super shotty? (the takeaway from this is that some weapon categories feel more cared-to than others. there's 5 whole pistols, but only 2 shotguns and 2 launcher weapons. maybe the explosives category can be like a "superweapon" category, for bfg-tier weapons later in development? im not saying they should be WILDLY better than the rocket launcher or anything.)

- some weapons feel redundant compared to others. i completely forgot the burst pistol exists, we have 2 burst-fire rifles (the two-shot one being better than the 3-shot one imo), and even with full upgrades, the rpg is just blatantly better than the grenade launcher, which just becomes a lesser rocket launcher with full upgrades. also why does the rpg get a scope? (it is lowkey funny seeing the entire launcher basically go through the player's mouth when using ADS tho)

- why is the option that disables flipping (which messed with me alot when i was just trying to aim straight down in the air) in the graphics options

ok now that the negative stuff's outta the way, lets get onto the positives:

- THE ENTIRE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GAME IS A POSITIVE. the problems i listed, which in all honesty were really just nitpicks, are tiny blemishes on what is otherwise a damn-near perfect game. the sense of speed and freedom is absolutely liberating, and learning how to absolutely break the game's movement mechanics over my knee in order to get around the world at breakneck speeds is absolutely FANTASTIC. and on top of the already incredible single player experience, THERES CO-OP. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH IT MEANS TO ME THAT A GAME LIKE THIS, WHICH IF MADE BY ANY OTHER STUDIO, WOULD PROBABLY JUST KEEP IT SINGLE PLAYER, HAS ONLINE CO-OP? WITH 4 PEOPLE?

this game has been an absolutely refreshing experience and, funnily enough, when i booted up the game to refresh my memory on the names of perks and stuff, i ended up playing it some more instead of finishing up this already-way-too-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-long comment. i dont know how to finish this so uh game very goob if this doesnt get goty i will riot thank you bye
Viddaz 27 Sep @ 3:47am 
Haven't played the game yet but if there isn't a horde mode (i.e. cyber grind in ultrakill) you should really consider adding one. The game looks incredible and this would only add replayability!
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