Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Pte Jack 8 Jun, 2018 @ 8:34pm
Blinking/Flickering Viewport: Possible Cause and Solutions
Moderator Please Pin this

The problem of the flashing or blinking view port is caused by the recent version update to Windows 10 that was released in a global rolling update on the 28th of April. (Changing from Windows version 1709 to version 1803) There is no real fix for the problem at present and it seems to be affecting systems that have dual GPUs more than it does to systems that have single GPUs (ie systems are dual if they have both Intel HD graphics and a Nvidia or Radeon GPU listed in the Windows Device Manager under the Display Adapter heading)

HOWEVER, This is a suggested method of temporarily fixing the problem:

1) make sure your video drivers are up to date after you perform the Windows update, then
2) In SFM, select Windows - Engine Window and toggle the Auto Hide Engine check mark to OFF (if it is currently ON) or ON (if it is currently OFF).

This solution seems to work for most but not everyone

(Added 4 Aug, 2018 - See Posts #43 and #61 Also Posted in the Source Filmmaker Discord Issue Tracker Channel on 30 May)

Another suggestion is to go to set launch options and type -noqt -usevgui in it
This solution may drop your FPS rate relly low, but by going nto SFM its self then right click on the viewport then click render settings and untick where it say ''ambient collision'' may improve your FPS. Just don't forget to reset the AO before exporting your clip.

These are the only known work arounds at present.

Additional: Posted 1 July, 2018

After watching the comments on this situation for a while now and going through the version upgrade myself, it appears that this is only affecting those with double GPU'd systems and I mostly suspect that it has to do with Intel HD Graphics incomapatbility with the Update.
Those of us with dedicated GPU'd systems are not being affected and we can't reproduce the problem on our machines.

That being said, I doubt we'll see an actual fix from Valve because it appears it is the uprade that is causing the problem and only for some, not everyone. It not a problem withthe code behind SFM.

As this is being cause by the Windows 10 upgrade, I suggest you go to support websites like, and to the forums provided by your computer's manufacture and for Intel HD Graphics and posts questions on this looking for updated drivers or fixes. Maybe letting Microsoft, Intel and the manufacturers know of the problem, they can develop fixes to the OS or drivers to actually fix it properly.

EDIT: For those of you who have JUST upgraded to the new version of windows.

If you find that you have just upgraded to a new version of windows and find you have major incompatibilty issues with it, Microsoft allows you to roll back to the previous version. HOWEVER YOU ONLY HAVE 10 DAYS TO DO THIS.

It is not a recommended method of fixing problems like this as Microsoft has issued the new version instead of doing a Cumulative Update for a reason (and its usually due to huge security issues in the old version, not just new functions and useless apps added.)

1803 was so full of holes and problems that Microsoft actually recognised the problem and posted instructions on how to roll your systems back. They can be found here...

But again, you only have 10 days from the date you make the upgrade to complete the rollback.

See Post # 57 regarding my attempt to roll one of my machines back after the 10 days had elapsed.
Last edited by Pte Jack; 4 Aug, 2018 @ 9:20am
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Showing 1-15 of 214 comments
Capt Fuzzy 8 Jun, 2018 @ 9:10pm 
+1 Pin this please...
EmperorFaiz.fbx 8 Jun, 2018 @ 11:00pm 
I know few mods I could get in touch. +1
Pte Jack 8 Jun, 2018 @ 11:09pm 
Emperor, if you can get this pinned, it will give us something to refer to with a canned message. I'm just now getting hit with the bug to update my systems, so I suspect we're going to see this pop up over and over again as it crawls across North America and ppl start updating.
Originally posted by Pte Jack:
Emperor, if you can get this pinned, it will give us something to refer to with a canned message. I'm just now getting hit with the bug to update my systems, so I suspect we're going to see this pop up over and over again as it crawls across North America and ppl start updating.
Wait! So you have just got the update?
Pte Jack 9 Jun, 2018 @ 1:12am 
Yup, released in april and I'm just getting it and installed it today. My system just came back to life after in the 3 minutes ago.
LeSabre 9 Jun, 2018 @ 2:15am 
I wish ValVe even bothered to fix SFM
EmperorFaiz.fbx 9 Jun, 2018 @ 3:41am 
Originally posted by Soldier:
I wish ValVe even bothered to fix SFM
Same unless someone wiling to shell out hundred thousands bucks to them to convince them to update SFM one more time.
EmperorFaiz.fbx 9 Jun, 2018 @ 3:48am 
Oh btw, Jack. May I suggest to change the thread title to "Blinking/Flickering Viewport: Possible Cause and Solutions"? It could attract anyone with the problem better by just reading the first three words of the title when he/she is in the discussion forum.
Last edited by EmperorFaiz.fbx; 9 Jun, 2018 @ 3:57am
Max 9 Jun, 2018 @ 6:16am 
I'll also pass the issue along to someone at Valve. Please let me know once the issue is resolved, so I can unpin this again.

EmperorFaiz.fbx 9 Jun, 2018 @ 6:30am 
Thanks, Max.
Marco Skoll 9 Jun, 2018 @ 8:58am 
Originally posted by EmperorFaiz.vmt:
Oh btw, Jack. May I suggest to change the thread title to "Blinking/Flickering Viewport: Possible Cause and Solutions"?
I will second this, the current title is less likely to grab people.
Already changed by the moderator, Thanks Max!

(Pte Joe = ultimate alter ego of Pte Jack While new laptop being repaired)
Last edited by Pte Joe; 9 Jun, 2018 @ 9:51am
Pte Jack 9 Jun, 2018 @ 3:14pm 
Machine 1 of 4 Blinking after Windows Version Upgrade Test...

Test 1 - (DOF - 128 MotionBlur - 128)

Laptop: Envy17-3D - 1st/2nd gen i7 CPU, Single Dedicated Radeon 5870 GPU/ChipSet - Engine AutoHide set to ON - Not affected

Test2 - Same machine. Play and Move Camera (GIF too large to add to Artwork) Render settings DOF - 128 MotionBlur - 128 (Not Affected)
Last edited by Pte Jack; 9 Jun, 2018 @ 4:38pm
S_Animatez 9 Jun, 2018 @ 5:01pm 
Question does this relate to the problem your having, but when I got my computer back from being grounded.....2 months ago, I started SFM and when I chose a map I started to move the camera it kept flickering from a black screen to the regular map screen, the lights as well do not work, is this the same problem as yours?
Originally posted by ejslane21:
Question does this relate to the problem your having, but when I got my computer back from being grounded.....2 months ago, I started SFM and when I chose a map I started to move the camera it kept flickering from a black screen to the regular map screen, the lights as well do not work, is this the same problem as yours?
How many GPUs do you have?
One or two?
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