Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

this is how i view blender and SFM
blender is better for easy map making and modeling while sfm is better for easy animating atleast thats how i see it because blender has procedural stuff for cloth and spawing rocks on the floor and stuff while sfm you need to do everything manually but when it comes to animating i say i like sfm more for animation (keep in mind i havent been able to model a person yet)
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Beiträge 12 von 2
they both animate in the exact same way.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Mittens:
they both animate in the exact same way.
are you sure cause SFM felt way better when i was aninmating
< >
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Pro Seite: 1530 50

Geschrieben am: 9. Juli um 19:50
Beiträge: 2