Rogue Point

Rogue Point

User-created content and customization?
One thing I personally love about Valve's multiplayer titles is that users can customize them however they like, with custom servers, skins, maps, and gamemodes. As the Crowbar Collective is made up of Half-Life fans, I'm hoping this game might follow a similar design philosophy.

Will players be able to freely customize their game with user-generated content, just as Counter-Strike players can play on community-run servers with custom gamemodes, and Left 4 Dead players can play with custom skins and maps?

Also some feedback, I saw on the FAQ that microtransactions aren't completely off the table. Personally if I were to play a game and then microtransactions were added years later, I'd feel cheated and immediately apply for a refund, no matter how long I'd played the game.
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If I were you, I would expect mods, but not microtransactions. Workshop support was confirmed, microtransactions were not.
Originally posted by Street yogurt:
If I were you, I would expect mods, but not microtransactions. Workshop support was confirmed, microtransactions were not.
Hell yeah, thanks.
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